关于有机电合成的文章,发在顶尖期刊nature上,谢谢朋友flywheel的文献应助。?文章采用常规碳材料,考察了烯丙位C-H键的电化学氧化,实验不用不用除 氧气 和除水,采用的是无隔膜 电解槽 。很方便,并且进行了放大研究。 ? ? 希望对各位有机电合成的朋友有用。。。题目: Scalable and sustainable electrochemical allylic C–H oxidation 作者信息如下: 1Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 2Asymchem Life Science (Tianjin), Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Zone, Tianjin 300457, China. 3Chemical Development, Bristol–Myers Squibb, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, USA. *These authors contributed equally to this work. 摘要 New methods and strategies for the direct functionalization of C–H bonds are beginning to reshape the field of retrosynthetic analysis, affecting the synthesis of natural products, medicines and materials1. The oxidation of allylic systems has played a prominent role in this context as possibly the most widely applied C–H functionalization, owing to the utility of enones and allylic alcohols as versatile intermediates, and their prevalence in natural and unnatural materials2. Allylic oxidations have featured in hundreds of syntheses, including some natural product syntheses regarded as “classics”3. Despite many attempts to improve the efficiency and practicality of this transformation, the majority of conditions still use highly toxic reagents (based around toxic elements such as chromium or selenium) or expensive catalysts (such as palladium or rhodium)2. These requirements are problematic in industrial settings; currently, no scalable and sustainable solution to allylic oxidation exists. This oxidation strategy is therefore rarely used for large-scale synthetic applications, limiting the adoption of this retrosynthetic strategy by industrial scientists. Here we describe an electrochemical C–H oxidation strategy that exhibits broad substrate scope, operational simplicity and high chemoselectivity. It uses inexpensive and readily available materials, and represents a scalable allylic C–H oxidation (demonstrated on 100 grams), enabling the adoption of this C–H oxidation strategy in large-scale industrial settings without substantial environmental impact. 查看更多2个回答 . 6人已关注