中英文对照各种施工工艺大全? 中英文对照各种施工工艺大全 1、 钢结构工程Steel Project 1.1钢结构焊接 Welded Steel 1.1.1工艺流程 作业准备→电弧焊接(平焊、立焊、横焊、仰焊)→焊缝检查 Process Ready to work→Arc Weld(Flat Welding、Stand Welding、Sidelong Welding 、Welding belief) →Weld inspection 1.1.2钢结构电弧焊接: Arc Welding Steel:平焊:选择合适的焊接工艺,焊条直径,焊接电流,焊接速度,焊接电弧长度等,通过焊接工艺验证;清理焊口:焊前检查坡口、组装间隙是否符合要求,定位焊是否牢固,焊缝周围不得有油污、锈物;烘焙焊条应符合规定温度与时间,从烘箱中取出的焊条,放在焊条保温桶内,随用随取;焊拉电源:根据焊件厚度、焊接层次、焊条型号、直径、焊工熟练程度等因素,选择适宜的焊接电流;引弧:角焊缝起落弧点应在焊缝端部,宜大于10㎜,不应随便打弧,打火引弧后应立即将焊条从焊缝区拉开,使焊条块结合与构件间保持2~4㎜间隙产生电弧。对接焊缝及对接和角接组合焊缝,在焊缝两端设引弧板和引出板,必须在引弧板上引出后再焊到焊缝区,中途接头则应在焊缝接头前方15~20㎜处打火引弧,将焊件预热后再将焊条退回到焊缝起始处,把熔池填满到要求的厚度后,方可向前施焊;焊接速度:要求等速焊接,保证焊缝厚度、宽度均匀一致,从面罩内看熔池中铁水与熔渣保持等距离(2~3㎜)为宜;焊接电弧长度:根据焊条型号不同而确定,一般要求电弧长度稳定不变,酸性焊条一般为3~4㎜,碱性焊条一般为2~3㎜为宜;焊接角度:根据两焊件的厚度确定,焊接角度有两个方面,一是焊条与焊接前进方向的夹角为60~75°;二是焊条与焊接左右夹角有两种情况,当焊件厚度相等时,焊件与焊件夹角为45°;当焊件厚度不等时,焊条与较厚焊件一侧夹角应大于焊条与薄焊件一侧夹角;收弧:每条焊缝焊到末尾,应将弧坑填满后,往焊接方向相反的方向带弧,使弧坑甩在焊道貌岸然里边,以防弧坑咬肉。焊接完毕,应采用气割切除弧板,并修磨平整,不许用锤击落;清渣:整条焊缝焊完后清除熔渣,经焊工自检(包括外观及焊缝尺寸等)确无问题后,方可转移地点继续焊接。 Flat Welding : choice of welding technology, electrode diameter, welding current, welding speed, the length of arc welding, weld process verification; Welding : welding inspection clearance groove, assembly space whether it meets the requirements, positioning it firmly welding, weld around is not oil, rust; Electrode temperature and baking time should be required, the rod removed from the oven. tempreture-constant drum on the electrode, then used as admission; Latin America : welding supply welding thickness, welding levels and electrode type and diameter, skilled welders and other factors, and to select appropriate welding current; fillet weld arc : fluctuations in the point arc weld end, they are advised more than 10 mm, is not hard arc, sparking arc weld zone from the electrode should be started immediately. Component integration and maintaining so-rod pieces have 2-4 mm gap arc. Butt Weld and docking and corner combinations Weld, in Weld ends located arc plate and extraction plate in igniting board then leads to the welding seam, joint halfway shall weld joints in front of 2.0 mm Department Firing arc, welding pieces after preheating rod will return to weld the origin, pool filled to the required thickness, before forward welding; Welding speed : Isokinetic welding requirements to ensure weld thickness, width uniform, which masks to look for hot metal and slag bath equidistance (2-3 mm)%; Arc welding rod length : different models and determined that the general requirements of arc length is stable, acid electrode generally 3-4 mm, 2-3 mm normally alkaline electrode%; Welding perspective : According to determine the thickness of two pieces of welding, welding angle has two aspects : First, the angle between the direction of the rod and welding of 60-75 °; The second is the angle between two electrodes and welding around, the same thickness as welding, welding and welding pieces incident angle of 45 °; When the thickness ranging from welding, welding electrode and thick and thin pieces of welding electrode side angle greater than the angle between the side pieces; Arc : admission to the end of each weld should be filled crater, in the direction opposite to the direction of the back-arc welding, arc welding unchanged inside pit in 1974, to prevent the crater bite of meat. Welding completed, should be removed arc OFC boards and grinding formation, while the hammer down; Slag : After removal of the entire weld slag, welders self (including weld appearance and size, etc.) there is no problem, before relocation to continue welding立焊:基本操作工艺过程与平焊相同,但应注意下述问题:在同等条件下,焊接电源比平焊电流小10%~15%;采用短弧焊接,弧长一般为2~3㎜;焊条角度根据焊件厚度确定.两焊件厚度相等,焊条与焊条左右方向夹角均为45°;两焊件厚度不等时,焊条厚度不等时,焊条与较厚焊件一侧的夹角应大于较薄一侧的夹角.焊条应与垂直面形成60°~80°角,使电弧略向上,吹向熔池中心;收弧:当焊到末尾,采用排弧法将弧坑填满,把电弧移至熔池中央停弧.严禁使弧坑甩在一边.为了防止咬肉,应压低电弧变换焊条角度,使焊条与焊件垂直或由弧稍向下吹. Welding process and the peace operation : basic welding, but they should pay attention to the following issues : under the same conditions, welding current and friction over the plate short-arc welding, arc length is generally 2-3 mm; According to determine perspective welding electrode thickness. Welding two pieces of equal thickness, electrode and the electrode are around 45 ° angle direction; Two welding thickness ranges, electrode thickness ranges, with thick welding rod side of the incident angle and the angle is larger than the thinner side. with the vertical plane electrode formed 60 ° to 80 ° angle, arc slightly upward, towards the pool; Arc welding : admission to the end of the paper that will crater filled arc, arc moved to the central pool stopped arc. To prevent occlude, Transformation should lower electrode arc angle, or vertical rod and welding pieces of blowing down slightly from the arc.横焊:基本与平焊相同,焊接电流比同条件平焊的电流小10%~15%,电弧长2~4㎜.焊条的角度,横焊时焊条应向下倾斜,其角度为70°~80°,防止铁水下坠.根据两焊件的厚度不同,可适当调整焊条角度,焊条与焊接前进方向为70°~90°. Sidelong Welding same: basic welding, the welding current conditions compared with the current level of welding small beeswax, 2-4 mm long arc. Electrode angle, horizontal welding rod should be balancing its angle of 70 ° to 80 ° to prevent the fall of molten iron. According to the thickness of two different welding pieces, it would be appropriate to adjust electrode perspective welding electrode and the direction of 70 ° -90 °仰焊:基本与立焊、横焊相同,其焊条与焊件的夹角和焊件厚度有关,焊条与焊接方向成70°~80°角,宜有小电流、短弧焊接。 Welding belief 、Sidelong Welding and Stand Welding: the same horizontal welding, the welding electrode and the incident angle and thickness of the welding, welding electrode and the direction of 70 ° to 80 ° angle are advised to a small current, short-arc welding 1.1.3冬期低温焊接:在环境温度低于0℃条件下进行电弧焊时,除遵守常温焊接的有关规定外,应调整焊接工艺参数,使焊缝和热影响区缓慢冷却.风力超过4级,应采取挡风措施;焊后未冷却的接头,应避免碰到冰雪;钢结构为防止焊接裂纹,应预热以控制层间温度.当工作地点温度在0℃以下时,应进行工艺试验,以确定适当的预热,后热温度. Welding : In the winter low temperature environment under the conditions of temperature below 0℃, in addition to compliance with the relevant provisions of temperature welding, the welding parameters should be adjusted so that weld heat affected zone and slow cooling. Wind over four levels, measures should be taken to wind; Not the cooling weld joints should avoid encountered snow; To prevent steel welding cracks. interlayer preheating temperature to be controlled. When the temperature is below zero degree work should be carried out when a process test to determine appropriate preheating, heat temperature. 1.2普通紧固件连接工程施工工艺 General Parts Construction Technology (1) 成品进场 Refined Approach 普通螺栓、铆钉、自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、射钉、锚钉(膨胀型和化学试剂型)、地脚锚栓等坚固标准件及螺母、垫圈等等标准配件,其品种、规格、性能等符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。 Ordinary bolts, rivets, and self-drilling screws, rivets (expansion and chemical reagents), to such strong legs stud and nut standard parts, gaskets, etc. standard accessories, variety, specifications, and other products with existing national standards and design requirements. (2) 螺栓实物复验 Complex and bolts kind experience 普通螺栓作为永久性连接螺栓使用时,当设计有要求或对其质量有疑义时,应进行螺栓实物最小拉力载荷复验,其结果符合国家标准《坚固件机械性能、螺栓、螺钉和螺柱》(GB3098)的规定。 Ordinary bolt connecting bolts as a permanent use, when the design requirements or questions about its quality should be carried out when the smallest lag bolts kind complex load testing and the results were consistent with national standard《mechanical fasteners, bolts, screws and stud》 (GB3098). (3) 匹配及间距 Matching and spacing 连接薄钢板采用的自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、射钉等其尺寸与被连接钢板相匹配,其间距、边距等应符合设计要求。 Thin plate connecting the self-drilling screws, rivets, such as its size and connecting plate by matching their distance, should comply with the design requirements and other fringe. (4) 螺栓坚固 Solid bolts 永久性普通螺栓紧固应牢固、可靠,外露丝扣不应少于2扣。 Ordinary bolt should be firmly secured permanent, reliable, not less than two exposed screw deduction. (5) 外观质量 Appearance Quality 自攻钉、钢拉铆钉、射钉等与连接钢板应紧固密贴,外观排列整齐。 Since the attack nails, rivets Steel, Steel Nailing should be secured so closely connected with stickers topology neat appearance. 1.3高强度螺栓工程施工工艺 High Strength Bolt Construction Technology 1.3.1工艺流程 Process 作业准备→选择螺栓及配套→接头组装→安装临时螺栓→安装高强度螺栓→高强度螺栓紧固→检查验收. Ready to work →Bolts and matching options →Joint assembly →Installing temporary bolts → Installation of high strength bolts →High strength bolts fastening →Inspection and acceptance 1.3.2螺栓长度的选择 Bolt length option 扭剪型高强螺栓的长度为螺栓头根部至螺栓梅花卡头切口处的长度.选用螺栓的长度应为紧固连接板厚度加上一个螺母和一个垫圈的厚度,并且紧固的要露出不少于两扣螺纹的余长,一般按连接板厚加表5-2中的增加长度,并取5㎜的整倍数. Torsional shear length of the high-strength bolts bolt-head bolts Plum card to the root of the length of the first incision. The length should be chosen for the fastening bolts interconnects thickness with a thickness of the nut and a washer and fastening the show at least two of the detained more than a long thread, the general increase in table 5-2 by thick interconnects increase in the length of 5 mm and take the whole multiples. 螺栓公称直径Nominal diameter bolts 增加长度(㎜)Increase the length M16 25 M20 30 M22 35 M24 40 1.3.3接头组装 Joint assembly 连接处的钢板或型钢应平整,板边、孔边无毛刺;接头处有翘曲、变形必须进行校正,并防止损伤摩擦面,保证摩擦面紧贴。 The link should be formed steel plate, plate edge, no burr hole; A joint warping, used to be calibrated to prevent injury and friction, the friction surface to ensure close. 配件前检查摩擦机,试件的摩擦系数是否达到设计要求,浮锈用钢丝刷除掉,油污、油漆清除干净。 Before friction machine parts inspection, the friction coefficient whether the specimen design requirements, floating steel brush to remove rust, oil, paint cleanse. 板叠接触面间应平整,当接触有间隙时,应按规定处理,见表5-3 Stack contact area should be formed, when the contact gap, should be required to handle, as shown in table 5-3 表5-3 间隙大小Gap size 处理方法Approach 1㎜以下1 mm below 不作处理Not processing 3㎜以下3 mm below 将高出的侧磨成1:10斜面打磨方面应与受力方面垂直 1:10 inclined to the higher side of the flowers into by the power and grinding should be vertical 3㎜以上3 mm below 加垫板,垫板两面摩擦面处理方法与构件相同 Plus plate, plate friction dealt with two identical components 1.3.4安装临时螺栓 Installing temporary bolts 连接处采用临时螺栓固定,其螺栓个数为不远接头总数的1/3以上;并每个接头不少于两个,冲钉穿入数量不宜多于临时螺栓的30%.组装时先用冲钉对准孔位,在适当位置插入临时螺栓,用扳手拧紧.不准用高强螺栓兼作临时螺栓,以防螺纹损伤. Connection temporary fixed bolts, the bolts more than one third of the total number of near joints; And not less than every two joints, nail penetration -- the number should not be more than 30% of the provisional bolts. When first assembled at the nail holes, inserted in the appropriate place temporary bolts tightened with a spanner. Not allowed to use high-strength bolts served as interim bolts to prevent thread damage. 1.3.5安装高强螺栓 Installation of high-strength bolts 安装高强螺栓应自由穿入孔内,不得强行敲打.扭剪型高强螺栓的垫圈安在螺母一侧,垫圈孔有倒角的一侧应和螺母接触,不得装反. Installation of high-strength bolts should be free penetration hole, not forced beating. Torsional shear-nut in high-strength bolts on the side of the gasket, washer and nut should side of the hole with a range of contacts, not anti-loaded. 螺栓不能自由穿入时,不得用气割扩孔,要用绞刀绞孔,修孔时需使板层紧贴,以防铁屑进入板缝,绞孔后要用砂轮机清除孔边毛刺,并清除铁屑. Bolt free invasive, not use gas cutting reaming, with cutter knife hole, the holes need to make amendments lamellar close to prevent iron into joints and hole cutter wheel machine after use to remove the burr hole, and to remove iron. 螺栓穿入方向宜一致,穿入高强螺栓用扳手紧固后,再卸下临时螺栓,以高强螺栓替换.不得在雨天安装高强螺栓,且摩擦面应处于干燥状态. The same direction are advised to bolt invasive, invasive high-strength bolts secured with a spanner and then unloaded temporary bolts replaced with high-strength bolts. Not covered in the installation of high-strength bolts, and the friction surface should be at the dry state. 1.3.6高强螺栓紧固 High-strength bolts fastening 必须分两次进行,第一次为初拧.初拧紧固到螺栓标准准轴力(即设计预拉力)的60%~80%,初拧的扭矩值不得少于终拧扭矩值的30%.第二次紧固为终拧,终拧时扭剪型高强螺栓应将梅花卡头拧掉.为使螺栓群中所有螺栓均匀受力,初拧、终拧都应按一定顺序进行。 Be divided into two, for the first time early mistake. Standard screw fastening bolts early access to axial force (Pretentioned Design) 60% to 80% of the initial value of torque twist the screw end torque value of not less than 30%. Second screw fastening to the end, when the final twist torsion and shear type cards with high-strength bolts should first shake off Plum. To enable all groups bolt by bolt uniform, the early mistake, seekers have eventually made certain order. 一般接头:应从螺栓群中间顺序向外侧进行紧固。 从接头刚度大的地方向不受约束的自由端进行。 从螺栓群中心向四周扩散的方式进行。 初拧扳手应是可以控制扭矩的,初拧完毕的螺栓,应做好标记以供确认。为防止漏拧,当天安装的高强螺栓,当天应终拧完毕。 Joints : general order from the middle to outside groups for fastening bolts. Joint stiffness from the direction of unfettered freedom to carry out end. Bolt from the group around the center to the proliferation of ways. Screw torque wrench should be controlled early, early completion of the screw bolts should be well marked for confirmation. 终拧应采用专用的电动扳手,如个别作业有困难的地方,也可以采用手动扭矩扳手进行,终拧扭矩须按设计要求进行。用电动扳手时,螺栓尾部卡头拧断后即表明终拧完毕,检查外露丝扣不得少于2扣,断下来的卡头应放入工具袋内收集在一起,防止从高空坠落造成安全事故。 To prevent leakage gesture, the same day the installation of high-strength bolts should finally shake after day. Electric wrench is used to be the final twist, if the operation is difficult, can also be used manually torque wrench, torque required to achieve this end design requirements. Electric wrench, the first bolt tail card that shows no progeny final twist after twist, the exposed screw inspection shall not be less than 2 missiles, the first cards should be placed in constantly from the tool bag collection together, to prevent accidents caused by falling from a height. 1.3.7检查验收 Inspection and acceptance 扭剪型高强螺栓应全部拧掉尾部梅花头为终拧结束,不准遗漏. 个别不能用专用扳手操作时,扭剪型高强螺栓应按大六角头高强螺栓扭矩法施工.终拧结束后,检查漏拧、欠拧宜用0.3~0.5㎏重的小锤逐个敲检,如发现有欠拧、漏拧应补拧;超拧应更换。检查时应将螺母回退30°~50°,再拧至原位,测定终拧扭矩值,其偏差不得大于±10%,已终拧合格的做出标记。 做好高强螺栓检查记录,经整理的归入技术档案。 Torsional shear-high-strength bolts should all shake their heads to finally shake off the tail end of Plum, not omission. Individual operators can use special wrench, torsion and shear type high-strength bolts made of high strength bolt torque construction of the first large. Final twist after twist leak check, less preferred 0.3-0.5 kg heavier Xiaochui pinch-by knocking Frederick, where deficiencies are found, departments, and missed twist to be filled twist; Chao Ning be replaced. Checks should ~ 50 ° to 30 ° Nut regression, and pinch-situ measured torque values final twist, a deviation of not greater than ± 10%, which has been made so far refused to pass the mark. Doing high-strength bolts and inspection records, 1.6 million classified technical files. 1.4零件及部件加工工程施工工艺 Components and parts processing Construction Technology (1) 材料进场 Materials approach 钢材、钢铸件的品种、规格、性能等应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。进口钢材产品的质量应符合设计和合同规定标准的要求。 Steel, and steel castings variety of specifications, such products should be consistent with existing national standards and design requirements. The quality of imported steel products should comply with the design standards and the requirements of the contract. (2) 钢材复检 Following the steel complex 抽样复验结果应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。 Complex sample testing results should be in line with existing national product standards and design requirements (3) 切面质量 The quality of plane 钢材切割面或剪切面应无裂纹、夹渣、分层和大于1㎜的缺棱。 Steel cutting surface or shear surface should have no cracks, slag, stratification and the lack of greater than 1 mm Prism. (4) 矫正和成型 correct and prototyping 碳素结构钢在环境温度低于-16℃、低合金结构钢在环境温度低于-12℃时,不应进行冷矫正和冷弯曲。碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢在加热矫正时,加热温度不应超过900℃。低合金结构钢在加热矫正后应自然冷却。当零件采用热加工成型时,加热温度应控制在900~1000℃;碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢在温度分别下降到700℃和800℃之前,应结束加工;低合金结构钢应自然冷却。 Carbon steel in environmental temperature is below -16 ° C and low alloy steel in environmental temperature is below -12 ° C, and the correction should not cold cold bending. Carbon steel and low alloy steel correction in the heating, the heating temperature should not exceed 900 ℃. Low alloy steel and natural heating, cooling should be corrected. When the thermal processing molding components, the temperature should be controlled between 900 ~ 1000 ° C; Carbon steel and low alloy steel and the temperature dropped to 700 ° C and 800 ° C, respectively, should end processing; Low alloy steel cooling naturally. (5) 边缘加工 Edge processing 气割或机械剪切的零件,需要进行边缘加工时,其刨削量不应少于2.0㎜. Mechanical shear components, the need for edge processing, shaving its capacity of not less than 2.0 mm. (6)A.B级螺栓孔(l类孔)应具有H12的精度,孔壁表面粗糙度Ra不应大于12.5m.其孔径的允许偏差应符合规范的规定.C级螺栓孔(Ⅱ类孔),孔壁表面粗糙度Ra不应大于25M,其允许偏差应符合规范规定. Bolt hole level to B (l category Hole) is the H12 accuracy wall surface roughness Ra should not exceed 12.5m. Its diameter deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. C bolt hole (Class II Hole), the wall surface roughness Ra should not exceed 78, the deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. (7)材料规格尺寸 Size specifications 钢板厚度及允许偏差应符合其产品标准的要求.型钢的规格尺寸及允许偏差应符合其产品标准的要求. Allow plate thickness and standard deviation shall meet the requirements for their products. Beam deviation should be allowed to meet the size and specifications of their products standards. (8)钢材表面质量 Steel surface quality 钢材表面的外观质量除应符合国家现行有关标准的规定外,尚应符合规范的规定. In addition to the exterior surface of steel quality standards should be consistent with the existing provisions of the state, there should be in line with norms. (9)切割精度 Cutting Accuracy 气割的允许偏差应符合规范的规定.机械剪切的允许偏差应符合规范的规定. Deviation should be allowed to comply with the norms. The shear machine error should be allowed to meet the norms. (10)矫正质量 Correction quality 矫正后的钢材表面,不应有明显的凹面或损伤,划痕深度不得大于0.5㎜,且不应大于该钢材厚度负允许偏差的1/2.冷矫正和冷弯曲的最小弯曲率半径和最大矢高应符合规范的规定.钢材矫正后的允许偏差,应符合规范的规定. After correction of the steel surface and concave or injury should be clear, scratch depth not greater than 0.5 mm, and should not be allowed to outweigh the negative deviation of the thickness of the steel half. Cold cold bending and rectify the minimum and maximum bending radius vector high rate should be in line with norms. After the error correction allows steel, should conform to norms. (11)边缘加工精度 Edge machining accuracy 边缘加工允许偏差应符合规范的规定. Edge processing deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. (12)制孔精度 Precision Drilling 螺栓孔孔距的允许偏差应符合规范的规定.螺栓孔孔距的允许偏差超过规范规定的允许偏差时,应采用与母材材质相匹配的焊条补焊后重新制孔. Bolt Hole Spacing should be consistent with the allowable deviation of norms. Bolt Hole Spacing over the allowable deviation of the standard deviation to allow that should be matched with base metal electrode material re-hole fix. 1.5单层钢结构安装施工工艺 Installation Process Steel monolayer (1) 基础 Foundation 建筑物的定位轴线、基础轴线和标高、地脚螺栓的规格及其紧固应符合设计要求。基础顶面直接作为柱的支承面和基础顶面预埋钢板或支座作为柱支承面时,其支承面、地脚螺栓(锚栓)位置的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。 Axis positioning buildings, infrastructure and elevation axes, anchor bolt fastening should conform to the specifications and design requirements. Top - directly as a basis and foundation of the bearing surface as the top-embedded steel bearings or bearing surface, the supporting surface, the anchor bolt (Anchor) position should be consistent with the allowable deviation of norms. (2) 构件 Components 钢构件应符合设计要求和规范的规定。运输、堆放和吊装等造成的钢构件变形及涂层脱落,应进行矫正和修补。 Steel components should comply with the design requirements and norms. Transport, storage and loading of the steel components, such as deformation and peeling coating, repair and should be corrected. (3) 顶紧接触面 The top tight contact 设计要求顶紧的节点,接触面不应少于70%紧贴,且边缘最大间隙不应大于0.8㎜. Top tight design requirements of the node, not less than 70% of close contact, and the gap should not exceed 0.8 mm greatest risk. (4) 垂直度和侧弯曲 Vertical and lateral bending 钢屋架的垂直度和侧向弯曲的允许偏差应符合规范的规定. Vertical and lateral bending of the steel roof of the deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. (5) 主体结构尺寸 The size of the main structure 主体结构的整体垂直度和整体平面弯曲的允许偏差应符合规范的规定. Verticality and the main structure of the overall total deviation should be allowed to meet the plane bending norms. (6) 地脚螺栓精度 Anchor bolt precision 地脚螺栓(锚栓)尺寸的偏差应符合规范的规定.地脚螺栓的螺纹应受到保护. Anchor Bolt (Anchor), the error should be consistent with the size norms. Thread the anchor bolt should be protected. (7) 标记 Marker 钢柱等主要构件的中心线及标高基准点等标记应齐全. Steel and other major components such as marking the centerline and elevation benchmarks should be complete. (8)梁、柱、檩条等安装精度 Beams and columns, purlines installation accuracy 梁、柱、檩条的安装的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。 Beams and columns and purlines deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. (9)平台等安装精度 Platforms installation accuracy 钢平台、钢梯、栏杆安装等应符合现行国家标准《固定式钢直梯》(GB4053.1)、《固定式钢斜梯》(GB4053.2)、《固定式防护栏杆》、(GB4053.3)和《固定式钢平台》(GB4053.4)的规定.钢平台、钢梯和防护栏杆安装的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。 Steel platforms, ladders, railings installation should comply with the national standard 《fixed straight staircase 》(GB4053.1), 《fixed steel ladder》(GB4053.2), 《a permanent protective railings》, (GB4053.3) and the 《fixed steel platform》(GB4053.4). Steel platform, and the installation of protective railings maximum deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. (10)现场组对精度 Precision Group to the scene 现场焊缝组对间隙的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。 Weld scene deviation should allow the group to meet clearance norms. (11)结构表面 Surface structure 钢结构表面应干净,结构主要表面不应有疤痕、泥沙等污垢。 Steel surface should be clean, not a scar on the major surface structures, such as silt dirt. 1.6压型金属板安装施工工艺 Pressed metal plate Installation Process (1) 压型金属板进场 Pressed metal plate approach 金属压型板及制造金属压型板所采用的原材料,其品种、规格、性能等应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。压型金属泛水板、包角板、和零配件的品种、规格以及防水密封材料的性能应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。 Metal plate and metal plate used in the manufacture of raw materials, varieties and specifications, and other products should be consistent with existing national standards and design requirements. Pressed metal pan of water boards, Angle plates, and a variety of spare parts, and sealing materials specifications should conform to the performance of existing national product standards and design requirements. (2) 基板裂纹 Substrate cracks 压型金属板成型后,其基板不应有裂纹。 Pressing sheet metal forming, its substrate should be crack. (3) 涂(镀)层缺陷 Coating errors 有涂层、镀层的压型金属板成型后,涂、镀层不应有肉眼可见的裂纹、剥落和擦痕等缺陷。 A coating, the coating - pressure molding of sheet metal, the coating should be visible to the naked eye, cracked concrete and scratches error. (4)现场安装 Field Installation 压型金属板、泛水板和包角板等应固定可靠、牢固,防腐涂料涂刷和密封材料敷设完好,连接件数量、间距应符合设计要求和国家现行有关标准规定。 Pressed metal plates, the water board and the whole board should be fixed angle reliable, strong, anti-corrosion coatings and sealing material coating installation intact, connector size, spacing and the state should comply with the design requirements of the standard. (5)搭接 Lap 压型金属板应在支承构件上可靠搭接,搭接长度应符合设计要求且不应小于规范的数值。 Pressing sheet metal components in supporting reliable lap, lap length comply with design requirements and should not be less than the numerical standards. (6) 端部锚固 Anchorage end 组合楼板中压型板与主体结构(梁)的连接,其锚固支承长度应符合设计要求且应小于50㎜,端部锚固件连接应可靠,设置位置应符合设计要求。 Floors were plate with the main structure (beam) link, the length of anchor support should comply with the design requirements and should be less than 50 mm, will be a reliable link anchor pieces, location should meet the design requirements. (7) 压型金属板精度 Pressure-precision sheet metal 压型金属板的尺寸及允许偏差、表面质量、涂层质量等应符合设计要求和规范的规定。 Pressed metal plate size and allow deviation, surface quality, quality coating should comply with the design requirements and norms. (8) 轧制精度 Rolling accuracy 压型金属板的尺寸允许偏差应符合规范的规定。压型金属板施工现场制作的允许偏差符合规范的规定。 Pressed metal plates the size of deviation should be allowed to meet norms. Pressure produced by the metal plates to allow the construction site with a standard deviation requirements. (9) 表面质量 Surface Quality 压型金属板成型后,表面应干净 ,不应有明显的凹凸和皱褶。 Pressing sheet metal forming, the surface should be clean, there should be clear and convex fold. (10) 安装质量 Installation Quality 压型金属板安装应平整、顺直,板面不应有施工残留物和污物。檐口和墙下端应呈直线,不应有未经处理的错钻孔洞。 Pressure should be the formation of metal plates installed, straight, there should be no construction of the plate surface residue and dirt. Eave wall and the bottom should shoot and should not be handled without drilling holes in the wrong. (11) 安装精度 Installation accuracy 压型金属板安装的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。 Pressure to allow the installation of metal plates with a standard deviation should be required 1.7防腐涂料涂装施工工艺 Anticorrosion coating Construction Technology 1.7.1工艺流程 Process 基面清理→底漆涂装→面漆涂装→检查验收 Surface cleaning up→Painting Primer→Painting→Inspection and acceptance 1.7.2基层清理 Surface cleaning up 建筑钢结构工程的油漆涂装应在钢结构安装验收合格后进行.油漆涂刷前,应将需涂装部位的铁锈、焊缝药皮、焊接飞溅物、油污、尘土等杂物清理干净。 基面清理除锈质量的好坏,直接关系到涂层质量的好坏。因此涂装工艺的基面除锈质量分为一级和二级,见表5-25的规定 Paint steel construction project after acceptance in the installation of steel. Paint coating, should take the rust coating parts, weld coating, welding spatter materials, oil, dust and other debris cleared. Surface cleaning up derusting quality has a direct bearing on the quality of the coating. Thus the base coating process is divided into primary and secondary derusting quality, the table 5-25 钢结构除锈质量等级(表5-25) Derusting quality steel grades (Table 5-25) 等级Grad 质量标准Quality Standards 除锈方法Derusting method 1 钢材表面露出金属色泽 喷砂、抛丸、酸洗 Steel exposed metal surface color Sandblasting, peen, pickling 2 钢材表面允许存留干净的轧制表皮 一般工具(钢丝刷、砂布)清除 Allow the surface to keep skin clean steel rolling General Instruments (wire brush and emery cloth) Elimination 为了保证涂装质量,根据不同需要可以分别用以下除锈工艺 喷砂除锈,它是利用压缩空气的压力,连续不断地用石英砂或铁砂冲击钢构件的表面,把钢材表面的铁锈、油污等杂物清理干净,露出金属钢材本色的一种除锈方法。这种方法效率高,除锈彻底,是比较先进的除锈工艺。 人工除锈,是由人工用一些比较简单的工具,如刮刀、砂轮、砂布、钢丝刷等工具,清除钢构件上的铁锈。这种方法工作效率低,劳动条件差,除锈也不彻底。 To ensure the quality of coating, according to the different needs of each of the following can Derusting Sand-blasting, which is using compressed air pressure, worked with quartz sand or steel pellets impact of the component surface, the surface of the rusted steel, oil and other debris to clean up the color of a rust-removing method steel exposed metal. This method is highly efficient, derusting completely rust-removing technology is more advanced. Artificial derusting are some relatively simple manual tools such as Drag and abrasive, emery cloth, and tools such as wire brush to remove rust on the steel members. This approach is inefficient, poor labor conditions, derusting not complete. 1.7.3底漆涂装 Painting Primer 调合 红丹防锈漆 ,控制油漆的粘度、稠度、稀度,兑制时应充分的搅拌,使油漆色泽、粘度均匀一致。 刷第一层底漆时涂刷方向应该一致,接搓整齐。 刷漆时应采用勤沾、短刷的原则,防止刷子带漆太多而流坠。 待第一遍刷完后,应保持一定的时间间隙,防止第一遍未干就上第二遍,这样会使漆液流坠发皱,质量下降。 待第一遍干燥后,再刷第二遍,第二遍涂刷方向应与第一遍涂刷方向垂直,这样会使油漆均匀一致。 底漆涂装后起码需4~8H后才能达到表干、表干前不应涂装面漆。 Blending Hongdan anti-rust paint, paint control the viscosity, density, rare, the system should be fully covered by mixing, paint color, viscosity uniform. Brush the first layer when brushing paint the same direction, then wake neat. Painting Peregrine adopted when James and the short brush, brush to prevent the flow with too many southbound crash. Brush question groove, the gap should maintain a certain amount of time to prevent the groove was dry on the second time, it would crash fat from the surface flow, the decline in the quality. When groove dry, paint the second time, the second time brushing direction perpendicular direction with bead coating, it would paint uniform. After the primer coating can be applied at least take 4~8H dry table, Table dry before painting not finish. 1.7.4面漆涂装 Painting 建筑钢结构涂装底漆与面漆一般中间间隙较长.钢结构件涂装防锈漆后送到工地去组装,组装结束后才统一涂装面漆.这样在涂装面漆前需对钢结构表面进行清理,清除安装焊缝焊药,对烧去或碰去漆的构件,还应先补漆. 面漆的调制应选择颜色完全一致的面漆,兑制的稀料应适合,面漆使用前应充分搅拌,保持色泽均匀.其工作粘度、稠度应保证涂装时不流坠,不显刷纹。 面漆在使用过程中应不断搅和,涂刷的方法和方向与上述工艺相同。 涂装工艺采用喷涂施工时,应调整好喷嘴口径、喷涂压力,喷枪胶管能自由拉伸到作业区域, 空气压缩机 气压应在0.4~0.7N/m㎡. 喷涂时应保持好喷嘴与涂层的距离,一般喷枪与作业面距离应在100㎜左右,喷枪与钢结构基面角度应该保持垂直,或喷嘴略为上倾为宜. 喷涂时喷嘴应该平行移动,移动时应平稳,速度一致,保持涂层均匀.但是采用喷涂时,一般涂层厚度 较薄,故应多喷几遍,每层喷涂时应待漆膜已经干燥时进行. Painting primer and finish among the general steel construction space longer. Steel anti-rust paint coating to the work site after the assembly assembly before the end of reunification coating finish. Thus, the steel surface before coating finish screen installed weld removal of medicine, or drop out of the burned out section of the component should first touch-up painting. Topcoat modulation should choose exactly the same color finish, and against the system of rare material should fit, finish mixing before use should be fully maintain uniform color. Its viscosity and consistency to ensure flow coating not crash, no significant brush profile. Topcoat mix in the use of the process should continue, brushing methods and the same direction with the above process. Coating Process spraying construction, we should readjust the nozzle diameter and spraying pressure jet hose to the free operation of regional tension, pressure air compressor in 0.4~0.7N/m m 2. Spray nozzle and a good coating to keep a distance from the surface in the general Lance with about 100 mm, steel base and Lance vertical angle should be maintained, or slightly tilted suitable nozzle. Spray nozzles should be parallel when moving should be smooth, speed consistency and uniform coating. But when spraying generally thin coating thickness, it should be sprayed several times, and each level should be sprayed coating has been drying time. 1.7.5涂层检查与验收 Coating inspection and acceptance 表面涂装施工时和施工后,应对涂装过的工件进行保护,防止飞扬尘土和其它杂物. 涂装后的处理检查,应该是涂层颜色一致,色泽鲜明光亮,不起皱皮,不起疙瘩. 涂装漆膜厚度的测定,用触点式漆膜测厚仪一般测定3点厚度,取其平均值. Surface Finishing construction and after construction, painting of the workpiece to deal with protection against dust and other debris floated. Painting the inspections should be coating color, bright color clear, wrinkle-free skin, not knots. Coating thickness of the coating determined using point-3:00 measured the thickness of the coating thickness gauge general, the living. 1.8钢屋架安装施工工艺 Installation of the Steel Frame Technology 1.8.1工艺流程 Process 作业准备→屋架组拼→屋架安装→连接与固定→检查验收 Ready to work →Roof group fight→Roof installation→Join and immobility →Inspection and acceptance 1.8.2安装准备 Ready to install 复验安装定位所用的轴线控制点和测量标高使用的水准点. 放出标高控制线和屋架轴线的吊装辅助线. 复验屋架支座及支撑系统的预埋件,其轴线、标高、水平度、预埋螺栓位置及露出长度等,超出允许偏差时,应做好技术处理。 检查吊装机械及吊具,按照施工组织设计的要求搭设脚手架或操作平台。 屋架腹杆设计为拉杆,但吊装时由于吊点位置使其受力改变为压杆时,为防止构件变形、失稳,必要时应采取加固措施,在平行于屋架上、下弦方向采用钢管、方木或其它临时加固措施。 测量用钢尺应与钢结构制造用的钢尺校对,并取得计量法定单位检定证明。 A post-mortem has complicated the installation of the axis positioning control points and the elevation of the standard of measurement points. Roof released elevation of the line of control and the loading axis auxiliary line. Roof Support and Support System testing complex embedded parts, its axis, elevation, degree level, and his position bolt length in excess of allowable deviation, we should do a good job handling technology. Sling hoisting machinery and inspection, in accordance with the requirements of placing construction organization design platform or scaffold. Roof belly bar designed for the stick, but when hoisting hanging position because it forces changes to Pressure Bar, the components to prevent deformation and instability, reinforcement measures shall be taken, where necessary, in parallel to the roof, and last quarter the direction of using steel, wood or other temporary side reinforcement measures. Be used for the manufacture of steel and steel ruler measurement of the steel ruler proofreading and obtain statutory measurement units approval and certification. 1.8.3屋架组拼 Roof group fight 屋架分片运至现场组装时,拼装平台应平整.组拼时应保证屋架总长及起拱尺寸的要求.焊接时焊完一面检查合格后,再翻身焊另一面,做好施工记录.经验收后方准吊装.屋架及天窗架也可以在地面上组装好一次吊装,但要临时加固,以保证吊装时有足够的刚度. Roof patch shipped to the scene assembly, and assembly platform formation. Assembling and bagging chief roof should guarantee size requirements. Welding Welding End side pass the inspection, then stand up and welded the other hand, do construction records. Lifting the rear prospective admission experience. Roof and rain can also be a lifting assembled on the ground, but temporary reinforcement. Hoisting to ensure we have the necessary stiffness 1.8.4屋架安装 Roof installation 吊点必须设在屋架三汇交节点上.屋架起吊时离地50㎝时暂停,检查无误后再继续起吊. Three points must be located in the roof hanging intersection nodes. Roof lifting at 50 cm from the suspended after inspections continue lifting unmistakable. 1.8.5构件连接与固定 Join and immobility 构件安装采用焊接或螺栓连接的节点,需检查连接节点,合格后方能进行焊接或紧固. 安装螺栓孔不允许用气割扩孔,永乆性螺栓不得垫两个以上垫圈,螺栓外露丝扣长度不少于2~3扣. 安装定位焊缝不需承受荷载时,焊缝厚度不少于设计焊缝厚度的2/3,且不大于8㎜,焊缝长度不宜小于25㎜,位置应在焊道内.安装焊缝全数外观检查,主要的焊缝应按设计要求用超声波探伤检查内在质量.上述检查均需做出记录. 焊接及高强螺栓连接操作工艺详见该项工艺标准. 屋架支架支座、支撑系统的构造做法需认真检查,必须符合设计要求,零配件不得遗漏。 Component installation of nodes connected by bolts or welding required inspection Connections after passing before welding or fastening. Installing bolts allowed to use gas cutting bore hole and never more than two gaskets pad not sexual bolts, exposed screw bolt length of not less than 2-3 deduction. Weld positioning under load without installation, seam thickness of the seam thickness of not less than two-thirds of the design, not to exceed 8 mm, should not be less than 25 mm in length Weld, located in welds inside. Weld full appearance of the installation and inspection of weld made major design requirements using ultrasonic flaw detection inspection quality. Need to make a record of these checks. Join welding technology and high-strength bolts details of this technology standards. Roof support bearings, and the support systems needed structural inspection practices must meet design requirements, not missing parts 1.8.6检查验收 Inspection and acceptance 屋架安装后首先检查现场连接部位的质量. 屋架安装质量主要检查屋架跨中对两支座中心竖向面的不垂直度;屋架受压弦杆对屋架竖向面的侧面弯曲,必须保证上述偏差不超过允许偏差,以保证屋架符合设计受力状态及整体稳定要求. 屋架支座的标高、轴线位移、跨中挠度,经测量做出记录。 First, inspect the site after the installation of roof connecting quality. Cross-check the main roof truss roof installation quality of the surface is not perpendicular to the vertical center two blocks; Roof surface pressure chord of the roof truss vertical bending side, we must ensure that such errors do not exceed the allowable deviation to ensure roof stability and comply with the design requirements of the state by force. Roof Support elevation, the axis displacement and cross-deflection, the measurement made by the record. 1.8.7除锈、涂料 Removing rust and paint 连接处焊缝无焊渣、油污、除锈合格后方可涂刷涂料。 涂层干漆膜厚度应符合设计要求或施工规范的规定。 Connection weld without welding slag, oils, derusting pass before brushing paint. Coating thickness of the coating should conform to the standard design or construction requirements. 1.9 钢结构防火涂料 涂装施工工艺 Fire coating steel construction technology 1.9.1工艺流程 Process 作业准备→防火涂料配料、搅拌→喷涂→检查验收 Ready to work →Fireproof coating ingredients, stirring→Spraying →Inspection and acceptance 1.9.2防火涂料配料、搅拌 Fireproof coating ingredients, stirring 粉状涂料应随用随配。以ST1-A型配合比如下(表5-27) With powder coatings should be allocated and used. For example, under a tie-ST1-A (Table 5-27) 表5-27 Table 5-27 涂料层数 施工配合比 每㎡用量 Paint rise Construction Mix Dosage/㎡ 1 防火涂料:高强胶粘剂:钢防胶:水=1:0.05:0.17:0.8 Fireproof coating : High strength steel anti-adhesive glue : Water 2~3 防火涂料:钢防胶:水=1:0.17:0.85 Fire prevention : steel coating plastic water 搅拌时先将涂料倒入混合机加水水拌合2min后,再加胶粘剂及钢防充分搅拌5~5min,使稠度达到可喷程度. Mixing paint into the mixer when the first increase in water mixture 2 minutes, stirring 5~5min fully with anti-adhesive and steel, jet can achieve consistency level. 1.9.3喷涂 Spraying 一般设计要求厚度为经耐火试验达到耐火极限厚度的1.2倍,以耐火极限为梁2h,柱3h,其设计厚度为梁30㎜,柱35㎜.第一层厚度为1㎝左右,晾干七~八成再喷第二层,第二层厚1~1.2㎝左右为宜,晾干七~八成后再喷第三层达到所需厚度为止. 喷涂时喷枪要垂直于被喷钢构件,距离6~10㎝为宜,喷涂气压应保持0.4~0.6Mpa,喷完后进行自检,厚度不够的部分再补喷一次. 正式喷涂前,应试喷一建筑层(段),经消防部门、质监站核验合格后,再大面积作业。 施工环境温度低于+5℃时不得施工,应采取外围封闭,加温措施,施工前后48h保持+5℃以上为宜。 Thickness on the general design requirements for fire resistance test to achieve maximum thickness of 1.2 times the limit for the beam to fire 2h - 3h, and its design beam thickness of 30 mm, 35-mm. The first layer thickness of 1 cm around 70 ~ 80% dry then sprayed the second floor, around 2 cm thickness 1~1.2 suitable. 70 ~ 80% dry and then spray the third so far to achieve the required thickness. Lance must be perpendicular to the jet spraying steel components, from 6-10 cm wide margin, spraying pressure must be maintained 0.4~0.6Mpa, after spray for self-thickness not part of a jet refilling. Official spraying, spraying test of a construction zone (above), the fire department, pertaining to quality supervision station after passing another large-scale operations. Construction may not begin at +5 ° C below ambient temperature to be taken outside closed, the heat, maintain +5 ° C and over 48 hours before and after. 1.9.3检查验收 Inspection and acceptance 喷完一个建筑层经自检合格后,将施工记录送交监理核查。用带 刻度的钢针抽查厚度,如发现厚度不够,补喷或铲掉重喷,用锤子敲击检查空鼓,发现空鼓应重喷。合格后,办理隐蔽工程验收手续。 End level on the self-construction of a jet after passing records will be sent to the Commissioner of construction inspectors. Belt Calibration checks the wire thickness, thickness found enough to make up for re-jet spray or shoveled away with a hammer percussion hollowing inspection found hollowing should re-sprayed. After passing inspection procedures for covert projects. 2、 建筑工程(组合楼板)钢筋混凝土 Construction (Floors) reinforced concrete 2.1钢筋加工 Steel Bar processing 2.1.1钢筋除锈 Steel Bar derusting 钢筋除锈采用冷拉和手工除锈,这样较为省力,可以确保除锈质量. Rust Remover and cold-drawn steel used manual derusting, this is more economical, we can ensure that quality derusting. 2.1.2钢筋调直 Straightening 采用钢筋调直机对钢筋进行调直,根据钢筋的直径选用调直模,并正确掌握调直模的偏移量. Steel reinforcing bars used to direct planes to conduct direct, according to the diameter steel Straightening mode selection and correct use Straightening-scale displacement. 2.1.3钢筋切断 Steel cut 将同规格钢筋根据不同长度长短搭配,统筹排料;应先断长料,后断短料,减少短头,减少损耗. 断料时应避免用短尺量长料,防止在量料中产生累计误差。为此,宜在在工作台上标出刻度线并设置控制断料尺寸用挡板。 箍筋弯后的平直部分长度:对一般结构,不宜小于箍筋直径的5倍;对有抗震等要求的结构,不应小于箍筋直径的10倍。 Steel Bar with different specifications to match the length of the length overall layout; Should continue long expected, by cutting short expected to reduce short head, reducing wear and tear. Cutting should avoid using short-foot long amount of material to prevent the volume of the whole people have accumulated error. Therefore, it would be desirable to set up in the table shows the calibration and control the size of break with baffle. Stirrup bend the straight part of the general structure : length, diameter of not less than five times the stirrups; Seismic requirements for the structure, not less than 10 times the diameter of the stirrup. 2.1.3弯曲成型 Bending 钢筋弯曲前,对形状复杂的钢筋(如弯起钢筋),根据钢筋料牌上标明的尺寸,用石笔将各弯曲点位置划出.划线时应注意: 根据不同的弯曲角度扣除弯曲调整值,其扣法是从相邻两段长度中各扣一半; 钢筋端部带半圆弯钩时,该段长度划线时增加0.5d(d为钢筋直径); 划线工作宜从钢筋中线开始向两边进行;两边不对称的钢筋,也可以从钢筋一端开始划线,如划到另一端有出入时,则应重新划线. Bending steel, the steel complex of shapes (such as curved steel), according to the size indicated on the license reinforced materials used Tutcheria spectabilis bending to the position draw. Crossed when : The bending angle is the effect of different bending adjusted value, the deduction is deducted from each half of the length of two adjacent; Semi steel hooks end zone, the length of lines increased ppb (d bar diameter); Crossed from the steel work are advised to start on both sides of the center line; Asymmetric both sides of the steel reinforced side from the beginning can be delimited If it is the other side that is different, we need to re-crossed.查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
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山西省发布煤化工产业调整和振兴规划《转载》? 煤化工产业是我省重点培育发展的支柱产业之一。其涉及面广,产业关联度大,对拉动全省经济增长、促进工业结构优化升级发挥着重要作用。   按照省委、省政府贯彻落实党中央国务院保增长、扩内需、调结构的总体要求,积极应对国际金融危机的影响,确保煤化工产业平稳较快发展,加快结构调整,推动产业升级,增强产业竞争力,特编制本规划。规划期为2009-2011年。   一、煤化工产业现状及面临的形势   煤化工在全省工业经济中占有重要地位。“十一五”以来,煤化工围绕“肥、醇、炔、苯、油”五条特色发展主线,产业规模进一步增加。2008年底,尿素、甲醇、Pvc、粗苯加工、煤焦油加工年生产能力分别达到600万吨、100万吨、87万吨、50万吨、2l0万吨,全行业实现销售收入507亿元,就业人数达15万人。煤化工产业有力地支撑和带动了全省相关产业的发展,特别是对保证农业化肥供应,稳定粮食生产发挥了重要作用。   但是,我省煤化工产业长期粗放型发展积累的矛盾日益突出。一是行业内部结构不尽合理。初级产品多,精细产品少。二是整体装备水平偏低。缺少具有国际先进水平的特大型煤化工装置。三是缺乏具有引领作用和龙头地位的大型现代化企业。四是产业布局不合理。还没有形成具有明显循环经济特征的大型煤化工园区。五是国际化水平低。对外合作层次不高,产业外向度较低。六是环境、水资源压力较大,节能减排任务艰巨。   2008年下半年以来,随着国际金融危机的扩散和蔓延,受国际油价大幅下跌的影响,我省煤化工产业受到较大冲击,出现了产需陡势下滑、价格急剧下跌、企业经营困难、亏损面加大等问题,自身稳定发展面临前所未有的挑战。应当看到,我国经济发展的基本面没有改变;中央和全省相继出台一系列措施,提振经济的积极效应正逐步显现;我国正处于重化工业阶段,经济发展对化工产品仍有巨大需求;我国缺油少气相对富煤,以煤化工路线生产化工基础产品和清洁能源,是我国化学工业的必然选择;我省煤化工产业依托煤炭资源优势已初具规模,具备快速发展的基础;同时金融危机也给我省煤化工产业结构调整带来机遇。固此,我们必须抓住机遇,加快结构调整和产业升级,实现煤化工产业快速、健康、可持续发展。   二、指导思想和规划目标   (一)指导思想   全面贯彻落实科学发展观,以转型发展、安全发展、和谐发展为指针,以改革开放和技术创新为动力,以培育大型煤化工企业为主线,采用先进的大型煤气化和化工合成技术装备,改造提升化肥、乙炔化工等传统煤化工,培育壮大炼焦化产深加工、甲醇及其衍生物产业链,稳步发展醇醚燃料、合成油、煤制天然气等清洁能源和甲醇制烯烃等化工新材料,构建我省现代煤化工产业体系。通过淘汰落后、联合重组、改造升级、优化布局,推进全行业规模化、集约化、园区化、精细化、清洁化、信息化,实现我省煤化工产业跨越式发畏,   (二)规划目标   到2011年,我省煤化工产业粗放型发展方式得到根本改善,产业集中度大幅度提高,技术装备水平和自主创新能力达到国内先进水平,综合竞争能力明显增强,新型支柱产业地位得到巩固和提升,步入良性发展轨道。   1、产业规模稳步增长。全省煤化工产业年销售收入达到850亿元。主要产品产能实现以下目标:尿素、甲醇分别达到800万吨/年、600万吨/年;煤焦油加工、粗苯精制分别达到300 万吨/年、100万吨/年;Pvc、苯胺、1,4丁二醇、醋酸、己二酸、TDI、有机硅等其他大宗煤化工产品合计达到200万吨/年以上。开工建设百万吨级的煤制合成油、甲醇制汽油项目,完成60万吨级甲醇制烯烃项目前期工作。   2、产业集中度明显提升。培育销售收入超100亿元企业4户,超50亿元企业6户。50亿元以上企业销售收入占全省60%以上。重点发展15个煤化工工业园,园区内产品销售收入占全省60%以上。   3、技术装备水平明显提高。全行业具有国内先进水平的技术装备达80%以上,具有国际先进水平的技术装备达60%以上。   4、自主创新能力明显增强。建立国家级煤化工工程中心1个,国家级企业技术中心5个,省级企业技术中心20个。在劣质煤、高硫煤气化等制约蝶化工产业发展的核心技术上实现突破。   5、节能环保取得明显成效。万元产值综合能耗由3.5吨标煤下降到2.8吨标煤;工业余热、余压利用率分别由20%、30%均提高到80%; 焦炉煤气 、工业固体废物练合利用率分别由60%、40%均提高到90%;工业污水回用率由40%提高到90%:万元产值二氧化硫排赦由11.4千克降为8千克;万元产值化学需氧量(COD)由4.7千克下降到3.5千克;万元产值废水排放由19.6吨下降到10吨;新型煤化工装置能耗水平和三废排放达到国内同行业先进水平。   三、产业调整和振兴的主要任务   按照上述指导思想和规划目标,要着力做好以下八个方面的工作:   (一)控制传统产品总量,淘汰落后产能   严格控制新建、扩建电石项目;原则不再布点新的煤焦油加工、粗苯加工项目;适度控制尿素、PVC产品总量。2010年底前,淘汰12500千伏安以下电石炉、间歇蒸馏煤焦油加工装置、单套能力低于10万吨/年的焦油连续加工装置、酸洗法粗苯精制装置以及小炼油、小合成氨、小二硫化碳等工艺落后、环保不达标的装置。   (二)依托三大特色**,打造精品园区   以现有煤化工产业为基础,综合考虑煤炭资源、水资源、环境容量、交通运输等支撑条件,依托晋东、晋中、晋北三大特色煤化工**,建设具有明显循环经济特色煤化工精品园区,进一步优化产业布局,实现集约发展。   1、巩固提升晋东化肥及清洁能源特色煤化工**。   (1)立足现有基础,以天脊、丰喜、兰花等化肥企业为依托,重点建设晋城巴公、高平西部、泽州周村、临猗丰喜等化肥精品工业园。   (2)以潞安、晋煤示范装置为基础,建设百万吨级煤制合成油、甲醇制汽油装置,打造合成油工业园。   2、培育壮大晋中焦化和乙炔化工特色煤化工**。   (1)立足焦化企业布局,以焦炉气、粗苯精制及深加工、煤焦油深加工为重点,建设潞城店上、介休义安、交城夏家营、汾阳三泉、孝义梧桐等焦化系列煤化工精品园区。   (2)以山西焦化、山西三维等重点企业为依托,优势互补,建设焦化化产深加工项目和 1,4-丁二醇 及其下游产品等乙炔化工项目,打造洪洞赵城综合性煤化工精品园区。   (3)以太化搬迁为契机,按照煤、电、化、冶多联产模式,打造国际一流的具有鲜明循环经济特色的煤化工精品园区。   3、全面启动晋北甲醇及甲醇深加工特色煤化工**。   (1)以同煤为依托,以适合当地煤种的气化技术为支撑,重点建设百万吨级甲醇及其下游产品项目,打造全省最大的甲醇特色煤化工精品园区。   (2)以山橡为依托,建设大型 氯丁橡胶 装置,打造合成橡胶精品园区。   (三)培育大型企业集团,实现集约发展   依托太化,联合省内煤炭企业,整合相关资源,建设集煤、电、化于一体的现代大型煤化工企业。依托阳煤,实施跨地区并购,形成尿素、乙炔化工特色大型煤化工企业。依托晋煤集团对天泽化工等晋城尿素企业进行整合,组建特大型尿素和清洁能源特色煤化工企业。对潞安、天脊和周边关联企业实施联合重组,组建大型综合性煤化工企业。依托同煤集团,建设大型煤制甲醇及其深加工项目,培育甲醇特色大型煤化工企业。引进中石化、中石油等战略投资者,与我省煤炭企业联合,建设甲醇制烯烃项目和煤制天然气项目,培育新型煤化工企业。查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
CO2压缩机组超速跳车记录调查? 请各位盖德谈谈,贵厂的CO2 压缩机组 采用何种压缩机组,有没有超速跳车记录?最高转速?以及原因?以及事故结果?查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
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有机化学命名中的de? 请教高手, 芦氟沙星 (Rufloxacin),化学名:9-氟-2,3-二氢-10- (4- 甲基 -1-哌基)-7-氧代-7H- 吡啶 并[1,2,3-de]-1,4-苯并噻嗪-6-羧酸 <BR>这里的de是什么意思呢?查看更多 9个回答 . 4人已关注
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职业:苏州市贝特利高分子材料股份有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:四川工程职业技术学院 - 化学化工与生命科学系
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