请翻译以下这段(协议/for the account of)? 为什么合同上的文字都那么繁琐?反正是够罗嗦的。 说说我的理解, imposts or levies = duties and taxes 关税或税费 nature imposed 合理征收 for the account of xx 不知道该用哪个专业词,俺是学工程滴 ,反正那个意思就是该xx出钱就是了。 payment and discharge是和前面的imposts or levies对应的。即payment 对应imposts,discharge对应levies。 imposed by a on b , a向b征收 然后在2楼的基础上改了改: imposts or levies of whatever nature imposed by any authority other than the dutch authouities under this agreement shall be for the account of licensed end-user and payment and discharge thereof shall be licensed end-user 's sole responsibility ,whilst those imposed by the dutch authorities on licensor under this agreement shall be for the account of licensor and payment and discharge thereof shall be licensor's sole responsibility 本协议指定的荷兰机构以外的任何机构所合理征收的关税或税费应由拥有许可证的最终用户结算,相关的关税支付与税费履行应由拥有许可证的最终用户自行承担; 而由荷兰机构向许可证发放者征收的关税或税费则由许可证发放机构结算,相关的关税支付与税费履行应由许可证发放机构自行承担。查看更多