看看这些英语的正宗北京版本翻译(2)? 把快乐英语坚持到底 1)It is really cool, buddy. If you drove this car in Beijing, you'd really quake'em down. - 哥们儿,真够派的,你要是在北京开这车,非震倒一大片儿。 2)This child is destined to be a singer. He has all the natural endowments requireed to be a singer. If he trains properly, he will have a bright future. -这孩子是唱歌的料, 整一个歌星的胚子,好好培养,准有前途。 3)This guy is very talkative. Once he picks up the phone, he never hangs up. -这人特贫,一拿起电话就不愿放下。 4)You guys are going to eat good food and drink good beverages, leaving me behind. You are deliberately ignoring me!- 你们都去吃好的喝好的,撒下我不管,成心晒我哪! 5)I sense you are trying to trap me. I may not be as clever as you are, but i have seen a lot.- 我感觉你们是在给我下套儿呢,也许你们比我聪明,可我见的多呢。 6)I am lucky to have you here today, otherwise I would be at a loss as to what to do. -今天多亏了你,要不我就瞎啦。查看更多2个回答 . 2人已关注