每日翻译 英译汉 2011.7.17(星期日)? (当我们丰衣足食,幸福感却消失的时候,看看非洲的情况吧:原文来自半岛电视台网页) the intense drought in the northeast of kenya has already claimed several lives, the international committee of the red cross says, and doctors say they fear that the number of people who die due to starvation could yet rise. 每日翻译请注意: 1 、请大家隐藏回复。 2 、请不要发灌水帖和无意义贴。 3 、最大评分 8 财富;翻译较好或深入讨论者可给予适当加分。 4 、回复后请勿编辑,编辑无效;如确需编辑可发站内消息给版主。 5 、欢迎广大朋友提出宝贵建议,可直接发站内消息给版主或本帖跟帖提出。 6 、外语区诚招实习版主和技术讨论者 ( 招聘专贴 ) 欢迎大家积极参与报名! 7 、参与周末出题活动的朋友请注意, 出题要求:内容体裁不限,句子不要太长,难度不限,有无参考答案不限,内容健康积极向上,不要发政-治敏感话题,不得违反 论坛 规则,更不得违反国家法律,出题格式按照以前题目的格式,英译汉和汉译英交替出题。如果万一出现多个朋友发表每日翻译的情况,保留最先发表的议题。详见: https:///thread-862985-1-1.html 。 祝大家开心每一天! 查看更多
2010年职称英语《理工类B级》考点精粹四? 2010 年职称英语《理工类 b 级》考点精粹四 (13-16) electricbackpack backpacks are convenient. they can hold your books ,your lunch,and achange of clothes,leaving your hands free to do other things.someday,if youdon't mind carrying a heavy load,your backpacks might also power your mp31player,keep your cell phone running,and maybe even light your wayhome. lawrence c. rome and his colleagues from the university of pennsylvania in philadelphia2 and the marine biological laboratory in woodshole3,mass.4,have invented a backpack that makes electricity from energyproduced while its wearer walks. in military actions,search-and-rescueoperations,and scientific field studies,people rely increasingly on cellphones,global positioning system (gps) 5 receivers,night-vision goggles,andother battery powered devices to get around and do their work. the backpack’selectricity- generating feature could dramatically reduce the amount of awearer’s load now devoted to spare batteries,report rome and his colleagues inthe sept.9 science6. the backpack’s electricity-creating powers depend onsprings used to hang a cloth pack from its metal frame.the frame sits againstthe wearer’s back,and the whole pack moves up and down as the person walks.agear mechanism converts vertical movements of the pack to rotary motions of anelectrical generator,producing up to 7.4 watts. unexpectedly,tests showedthat wearers of the new backpack alter their gaits in response to the pack’soscillations,so that they carry loads more comfortably and with less effortthan they do ordinary backpacks. because of that surprising advantage,rome plans to commercialize both electric and non-electric versionsof the backpack. the backpack could be especially useful forsoldiers,scientists,mountaineers,and emergency workers who typically carryheavy backpacks.for the rest of us,power-generating backpacks could make itpossible to walk,play video games,watch tv,and listen to music,all at the sametime.electricity-generating packs aren’t on the market yet,but if you do get one eventually,just make sure to look both ways before crossing the street! 词汇 : backpack/5bakpak/n. 背包 watt/wct /n. 瓦 ( 特 ) receiver/ri5si:ve(r)/n. 接收机 gait/eit/n. 步态,步法 night-visiongoggle 夜视镜 oscillation/7csi5leifen/n. 摆动 spring/sprin /n. 弹簧 commercialize/ke5me:felaiz/v. 商业化 vertical/5ve:tikel /adj. 垂直的 mountaineer/7maunti5nie(r)/n. 登山运动员 rotary/5reuteri /adj. 旋转的 练习: 1. backpacks are convenient because a they can be verylarge. b they can hold as many things as you want to carry. c your handsare freed to do other things. d you do not have to carry things withyou. 2. what is the most important feature of the backpack invented bylawrence c.rome and his colleagues? a it produces electricity forelectronic devices while the wearer walks. b it can be used as cellphones , gps in the military actions or field studies. c it is small andconvenient. d it is light and easy to carry. 3. the word "springs" inparagraph 3 means a a small stream of water flowing naturally from theearth. b the season of the year , occurring between winter and summer. c the act or an instance of jumping or leaping. d a length of metal woundaround , which returns to its original shape after being pushed. 4. according to paragraph 4 , what does rome plan to do? a to make the backpackmore comfortable for the wearer. b to put the backpack on the market. c to test the advantage of the backpack. d to promote the backpack in anewspaper or on television. 5. what is implied in “if you do get oneeventually , just make sure to took both ways before crossing the street!”? a you will be too excited to watch the traffic. b enjoyingelectronic devices while walking may invite traffic accidents. c it is notpossible for you to get such a backpack. d it is wise of you to have such abackpack. 标准答案: c,a,d,b,b 查看更多