aspen plus模拟求助? 精馏塔简洁操作的结果应如何调试,才可以令复杂运算 成功。告诉我调节简洁的什么数值可以改变复杂运算结果就可以。 这是错误 谢谢大家帮忙 severe error the following stages dried up: 12 13 14 15 16 a limit of 0.10000e-04 * sum of feeds was imposed on the flow rates. ** error specified condenser temperature (417.4404 k) is less than bubble point temperature (442.5597 k). final results are computed at bubble point temperature. ** error block b3 is not in mass balance: mass inlet flow = 0.98126261e+00, mass outlet flow = 0.98172225e+00 relative difference = 0.46841499e-03 我真的是无从下手了 查看更多