生气会缩短人的寿命,你同意吗? Dears ...? 你有以貌取人过嘛? have you ever judged a person by his appearance? file:///c:/docume~1/admini~1/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-9916.png 大家都知道,第一印象是何等重要,有的时候,甚至是面试成败的关键,生活中的我们,也深刻的体会到第一印象的重要之处,很多时候,如果我们对一个陌生人第一印象不错,我们会希望和对方交个朋友或是不排斥和对方的接触,但是,有的时候,再接触过才知道,有的时候,我们确实以貌取人了,或是第一印象是错了,外貌不怎么样的人,也许很风趣,幽默,乐于助人,这都不是在第一印象中能够体现出来的, as is known to all, it is important to have a good first impression, which may play a key role in the success of the interview. we can understand very well the importance of the first impression in life since we would like to make friends with others or not repel against contacting them when we believe in the stranger ’ s first impression. however, we can know a person after having gotten contact with them again; we sometimes judge a person through his appearance or making mistakes about his first impression because the one whose appearance is normal may be funny, humorous or ready to help others, which may not reveal from the first impression. dear们,你们的有以貌取人后发现其实不然,或是第一印象出现误差的时候么? my dear friends, have you ever judged a person by appearance? 查看更多