氢分离(英文)(请求加精)? HYDROCARBON PROCESSING- Gas Processes Handbook -2004 Main Menu: Hydrocarbon Processing's Gas Processes Handbooks have helped to provide the natural gas industry with the process technology necessary for drying,treatoing,NGL,LNG,liquid treating and sulfur removal. In a further expansion of the technology presented we also provide hydrogen generation,gas effluent cleanup and flue gas treatment.In the intrerest of maintaining as complete listings as possible,the 2004 Gas Processes Handbook is available on CD-Rom only.Additional copies may be ordered from our website. 请求加精! 附件在“https://bbs.hcbbs.com/thread-7246-1-1.html” 在“ 化工设计与生产技术(会员共享区) ” [ ]查看更多0个回答 . 5人已关注