“潜热”的英文表示方法? 没用过hysys, 不过这种概念性的东西与porii应该是一致的。 看这句就知道heat capacity和潜热不是一回事。 ‘temperature dependent properties for library components, the temperature dependent properties are specified as coefficients to one of a number of correlations. the properties which may be modified in the temperature dependent properties window are vapor pressure, enthalpy, heat capacity, latent heat, density, viscosity, conductivity and surface tension.’ 你看到的heat capacity是流股性质吗? 我的理解是指‘热容’,对应cp,即包括显热也包括潜热。 建议你在hysis的帮助里查找‘heat capacity’,看看人家是怎么定义的。查看更多