每日翻译 英译汉 2011.6.4~6.6(周六)? 回复 1# uyuwj A company statement said the company's sulfur dioxide emissions in 2010 had fallen by 63 percent from 2005, while the COD (chemical oxygen demand) emissions had decreased by 85 percent. 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多1个回答 . 2人已关注
PRO 严格换热器问题救助? *** error *** Unit 1, 'e1' - methods for transport properties are required for shell-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "nrtl01". *** error *** Unit 1, 'e1' - methods for transport properties are required for tube-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "nrtl01". *** error *** Unit 2, 'e2' - methods for transport properties are required for shell-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "nrtl01". *** error *** Unit 2, 'e2' - methods for transport properties are required for tube-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "nrtl01". 我的老是出现这样的提示,请高手帮忙解答一下 查看更多19个回答 . 4人已关注