磁翻板液位远传? 磁翻板液位远传骤降,然后在调现场调零和量程没有反应。是不是电路板坏了?查看更多 4个回答 . 16人已关注
变送器电流和压力,差压换算怎么计算? 求助, 变送器 的压力和差压,以及流量换算成电流计算公式,要简便易懂的,求各位大神赐教。谢谢查看更多 2个回答 . 11人已关注
向NCBI上提交细菌序列后返回的邮件,我该怎么处理? BankIt2143545 : (1) [1] Are these sequences from: a) pure culture: a culture that contains only one microbial species or b) enrichment culture: use of selective culture media to enrich for a set of microorganisms with a particular phenotypic property, resulting in a partially purified, mixed culture. Please do not choose this option for purified strains. or c) bulk environmental DNA (uncultured): PCR-amplified directly from source/host DNA. If these are from bulk environmental DNA, were they amplified using: i) universal primers - amplifies DNA from a broad range of organisms or ii) species-specific primers - amplifies DNA from a single species [2] Provide unique names (such as clone, isolate, strain, or laboratory designation) that we can use to distinguish the separate sequence submissions. For a more detailed explanation, see the attachment. [3] Provide additional details describing the environmental conditions and geographic location where these sequences or organisms were isolated. If there are multiple conditions and/or locations, please provide the information as a spreadsheet or tab-delimited table: bankit no. sequenceID identifier environment ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- bankit123456 Seq1 abc1 soil bankit123456 Seq2 def2 ocean water etc. [4] Complete feature annotation has not been included for some or all of the sequence(s) you have submitted. A. Please resubmit your sequence(s) with relevant features such as: - coding regions (CDS features), partial or complete, including nucleotide spans and reading frame. Using this information, our software will add the amino acid translations for you. - structural RNAs such as rRNAs, tRNAs, misc_RNAs, with nucleotide spans - features which may describe your sequence, such as repeat_regions, UTRs, promoters with nucleotide spans If we do not hear from you by Sep 5, 2018, all of your submission(s) will be deleted from the processing queue. We have appended instructions for adding features to records. We cannot accept annotation in text format, you must resubmit. If your annotated sequences have coding region features with internal stop codons or reading frameshifts, you will be asked to review and resubmit. Please be sure to analyze your data prior to resubmission. B. If you know the correct annotation, but are unsure how to add it, please contact GenBank Users Services at: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and include this message with your request. C. If you are unable to determine the feature annotation, please provide a biological reason for the lack of annotation. Alternatively, you may choose to unverify your records and the following comment will be added: COMMENT GenBank staff is unable to verify sequence and/or annotation provided by the submitter. The commented record(s) will indicate that the data are unverified and your sequence(s) will not be included in NCBI BLAST databases. Send your reply to: gb-admin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and your resubmitted sequence(s) through BankIt For your reference, please find your preliminary flatfiles below with the information we currently have. Please reply using the current Subject line. Sincerely, Mark A. Landree, PhD Contractor GenBank Submissions Staff Bethesda, Maryland USA ******************************************************************* gb-admin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for replies/updates to records in GenBank) info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for general questions regarding GenBank) ******************************************************************* adding annotation using Bankit: [1] You must start a new BankIt submission; do not send an "update" to your submitted sequence. In addition, please include a note indicating this is a resubmission of bankit xxxxxxx or group number ######. [2] Features can be added in BankIt on the ''Features'' page by choosing either the ''Forms'' or the ''Files'' option. Choosing ''Files'' allows you to upload a 5-column feature table file, which is described at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sequin/table.html#Table Layout Choosing ''Forms'' allows you to input information for your choice of features from the following types: - Coding Region (CDS, with applicable Gene and/or mRNA) - RNA Features (tRNA, rRNA, etc) - Repeat Region (for simple repeats, mobile elements, satellites) - Other Features (5''UTR, 3''UTR, exons, introns, promoters, etc) Once you have chosen a specific feature, follow the instructions to input the features'' descriptive information (nucleotide intervals, protein name, rRNA name, gene name etc). [3] After reviewing your submission, click on finish submission to submit your record(s). 恳请大家帮帮忙,谢谢大家了。查看更多 4个回答 . 9人已关注
IMS数据库中收录的46万多种药物(不带销售数据)? 如题,下载附件,解压缩可得一Excel文档。有没有熟练使用IMS的老司机,可以私信交流指导,如能指教,可以把账号借用一二。查看更多 4个回答 . 20人已关注
伴热管线? 什么管线必须要设置伴热管线查看更多 7个回答 . 11人已关注
南方原油管线低点排凝腐蚀严重如何处理? 南方原油管线低点排凝腐蚀严重如何处理?查看更多 3个回答 . 7人已关注
非标的常压换热器,需要什么特殊报检手续么? 非标的常压 换热器 ,需要什么特殊报检手续么?查看更多 5个回答 . 18人已关注
铟的无机盐,为什么不怕水?还有InCl3的路易斯酸性,为何比AlCl3低很多? 比如InF3, 是一种 路易斯酸 , 为什么不怕水呢? 还有,InCl3的路易斯酸性,为何比AlCl3低很多呢? In和Al的电负性差不多,外面都加三个Cl,按理说他们的路易斯酸性差不多才对呀?查看更多 1个回答 . 8人已关注
硝酸铋无法在乙二酸中溶解? 实验需要10ml 乙二酸 溶解大约2.5g 硝酸 铋,以前有一瓶硝酸铋用完了,那一瓶溶解非常快,溶解形成澄清透明液体。中间实验中断了大约两个月,而且硝酸铋用完了新买了一瓶,这时在乙二酸中就无法溶解了,试过两瓶乙二酸和另外一瓶硝酸铋溶解,都没有溶解掉,溶不掉的颗粒呈非常细的粉末状会沉淀一部分下来。用双倍的乙二酸(20ml)溶解2.5g硝酸铋也没有溶解掉那部分沉淀的东西,所以存在溶解度的问题是不是就不成立。用15ml的1M的硝酸是可以溶解的,大约需要半小时左右,但是相对于以前用的那一瓶硝酸铋也慢了一些。遇到过这种情况的帮忙分析一下究竟是为什么?1. 温度问题?----------影响溶解度?2. 硝酸铋有问题?--------水解了?产物无法溶解??3. 乙二酸有问题?--------不知道啥问题。。求助!!感谢大家!!!查看更多 3个回答 . 20人已关注
洗衣粉生产设备? 各位前辈们,在有空心 洗衣粉生产 工艺之前洗衣粉生产用什么设备,在此提前祝大家国庆节快乐,中秋节快乐,双节都快乐!!!查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
烯烃经过氧化铝颗粒会反应吗? 烯烃经过 氧化铝 颗粒会发生反应吗?会是什么反应?在 氢气 也存在的情况下,会有什么不同?查看更多 7个回答 . 1人已关注
涂料的原料成本问题? 我做的UV涂料,现在老板嫌成本太高要求降成本,我想知道UV涂料中 树脂 与单体最便宜的多少钱。最好能提供厂家与型号查看更多 4个回答 . 12人已关注
物化专业研一新生求推荐课题? 我是物理化学专业研一新生,现在还没有确定课题,不知道研究哪方面比较好?有没有大神给推荐一下,也不一定非要是物化方面的!谢谢啦!查看更多 2个回答 . 14人已关注
酯化反应条件? 请问 苯甲酸 和 甲醇 酯化反应用什么条件产率高(>90%)? 查看更多 9个回答 . 7人已关注
离子色谱出峰但没有数值是什么原因? 第一张图片是正常的时候,第二张图在今天做的时候居然出峰没有数值,这是什么原因?查看更多 4个回答 . 4人已关注
无机/物化专业论文发表情况调查---大家快来围观? 查看更多 7个回答 . 10人已关注
哪位有hysys软件(已解决)? 我现在在用hysys 做些东西,但低版本的在高版本上不能运行,哪为大侠有高版本的能给我发一下吗?查看更多 5个回答 . 12人已关注
聚合硫酸铁颜色由红棕色变为黄色的原因?? 我公司生产的 聚合硫酸铁 ,一直都很正常,红棕色的,今天突然变为土黄色了。求解。谢谢大家先!查看更多 5个回答 . 11人已关注
串联2P铝壳电池充放电循环曲线异常,求大神分析!? 该电池组其中一只电池电压在2.85V左右,另一只在3.98V左右,压差过大,当做正常充放电循环 测试 时,出现了如下图的异常曲线,从曲线看来是只能充电到一定限度后,不能放电,导致后续的循环测试无法进行,求大神来分析下是何种原因导致。(该电池组为加保护板的 串联 组合) 360截图20141025110003750.jpg查看更多 3个回答 . 19人已关注
成型活性炭负载活性组分? RT,成型(不是蜂窝状,是压制成10mm*5mm圆柱形) 活性炭 怎样负载活性组分。过量吸附还是等体积吸附啊?如果是过量吸附,是不是将成型活性炭放到活性组分的水溶液之中去吸附啊?新虫金币不多,希望做个这个方面的广大朋友给与指导!谢谢!查看更多 3个回答 . 30人已关注
职业:中化蓝天霍尼韦尔新材料有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:山东技师学院 - 轻化工系
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