在说明书上看到一句话不懂请教高手? positive material identification of the finished products shall be performed if traceability to their certificates by copying charge numbers throughout all stages of the manufacturing process by means of “low stress” hard stamping is not feasible because of size or functionality of the fabricated part 正确拆分句子后即容易理解了。 整个句子可以缩减为positive material identification of the finished products shall be performed if …… is not feasible because of size or functionality of the fabricated part. 通常情况下,都是通过在金属零件上打印标记来识别零件,以实现其可追溯性,零件经过的每道工序都应有该工序的标记。如果零件太小(没有足够的用于打印标记的位置)或者受产品功能限制(比如一根光滑的轴上不允许有任何标记和痕迹),就不能打标记,只能采用在成品上进行positive material identification(类似于标签)来识别了。查看更多