杂多酸制备中pH调节问题?那就只能加点能降低其溶解度的有机溶剂了。一般都这么做。... 文献上说是用热水重结晶,选有机溶剂的话一般选啥好点,我看一篇文献上说是用丙酮,我问一下我合成出的盐能溶解在丙酮中吗,合成的产物中有硝酸根、Na和钴离子,文献上说是用丙酮萃取,直到丙酮萃取液中无硝酸根,我问问这个具体怎么操作,是在萃取的时候,把上层丙酮液吸取完以后,再在丙酮吸取液中加丙酮,直到无硝酸根吗,这样做对吗,这样下来是不是得用好多丙酮,丙酮萃取液液好多啊,这么操作呢?文献是这么说的The volume is then reduced to half by evaporation and the heteropolyanion separated in a dense lower layer by liquid-liquid extraction with 80-100 mL of acetone. The extraction is repeated until the acetone extract shows no nitric ions (ferrous sulfate test).The solid sodium salt is obtained as the hydrate (15-20H,O) by evaporation to dryness (in air) of the acetone extracts.查看更多