癸二酸的生产厂家及使用癸二酸的下游客户类型? 大家帮帮忙吧,老板让我写这个东西,我真是很无奈的,不知道什么情况, 癸二酸 的生产厂家很多吗?我看了一下有有限的几家的,再有就是癸二酸的使用厂家都用来干什么啊,有没有大的癸二酸使用厂家啊?大家帮帮忙吧,帮我了解一下!求回帖!查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
为什么刚装的ChemCAD一打开后见闪掉消失了? 为什么刚装的ChemCAD一打开后见闪掉消失了,破解文件我弄好了呀!跪求各位…查看更多 8个回答 . 4人已关注
北方港口煤炭进车此消彼长? 本文由 盖德化工论坛转载自互联网 4月9日(星期三)大秦线春季集中检修进入第四天。上昼夜秦港流向铁路进车下行至7371车, 煤炭 调进量不足60万吨,而船舶调出量继续保持在70万吨以上,港存大幅下滑至560万吨以下,低于去年同期150多万吨,检修期间港口货源集港的压力较大。受煤种“结构性”缺货延长船舶等货拉运时间影响,锚地待装船舶积压走高,继续刷新年内新高至88艘,但已办手续不足三成,将在一定程度上制约后续港口装船发运作业。   周边港口方面,与秦港货源减少不同,曹妃甸港铁路煤炭调进量反弹至20万吨以上,但受偏少的作业船舶制约,装船发运量大幅下行至15万吨左右,库存结束了连续一周的下行趋势,向上反弹至近430万吨。锚地船低位稳定运行,已办手续船仅有2艘,反映出下游采购需求略显不足,煤炭中转运输作业压力较大。京唐港区库存延续下行走势至430万吨。   下游方面,在沿海主要电力集团逐渐加大 发电机组 检修力度影响下,煤炭消耗震荡下行至不足63万吨,而电煤库存则小幅上扬,存煤可用天数上扬至20天以上,较充足的存煤将在一定程度上抑制采购补库积极性。   国家气候中心数据显示,近30天以来,华南地区累计降水量在200毫米以上,局部地区甚至高达300-500毫米,明显好于去年同期,而华东地区也有50-100毫米的降水量。水电替代作用将逐渐发力,加之在环保压力增大的制约下,电煤消费需求的减弱或将显著抑制沿海煤价的反弹空间。查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
莫斯科一购物中心发生大火? 莫斯科一购物中心发生大火,过火面积1500平方米 当地时间2017年8月9日,俄罗斯莫斯科,莫斯科塔甘卡广场的一家购物中心发生大火,火灾 面积达1500平米,消防员 现场救火,场面紧张。 查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
锅炉基础题(1月5日)? 请大家隐藏回复,发帖请慎重,编辑无效!对提供参考答案不同看法者可在次日发贴讨论。 同IP多个帐号回复参与只算第一个参与的有效 。 参与者均奖励2分,本期为单项选择题,每题 2分,全对5分。原则上在48小时内答题的前50位给予评分。 请大家隐藏回复,隐藏方法: https://bbs.hcbbs.com/thread-492556-1-1.html 1、关于锅炉 喷油器 的下列说法错误的是( )。 A.油压越高,雾化质量提高越明显 B.喷孔直径与雾化质量有一定关系 C.旋涡室中旋转速度越大,雾化质量越好 D.燃油加热至雷氏 1号粘度 60s左右最好 2、锅炉暂时不用,需要停火留汽时,下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.停火前先改烧 柴油      B.停火时将水加至 水位计 高位 C.停火后半小时进行下排污 D.保压期间间断点火将汽压烧至工作汽压上限 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
外语学习中的7种常见误区? 7 Common Misconceptions About Language Learning There are over 6,000 languages in the world . Some are more important than others, not better or more advanced, just more important. Why? Because they are spoken by more people, in more countries. That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns, and Maori is not important to the Maoris. It is just that these languages are not so important to the rest of us. On the other hand, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by over one billion people. Chinese origin words account for 60% of Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese vocabulary. Knowing Chinese will help you learn these languages too. It helped me. Chinese culture has influenced the world for thousands of years with its art, philosophy, technology, food, medicine and performing arts. Today China’s economy is booming. Chinese seems well worth learning. Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese are essentially dialects of the same language. If you learn one, you can learn the others. I did. If you learn Spanish, you open the door to the culture, music, history and possible business dealings with 800 million people in 60 countries, including the US and Canada. If you get ambitious you could try Russian, as I have been doing for the last two years. Once you have Russian you can probably communicate with other Slav speakers. But hold it here! Before getting carried away, let’s look at the present situation of language teaching. According to one Canadian survey , after 12 years of daily French classes, only one high school graduate out of 147 (0.68%) achieved “intermediate” proficiency. Another survey of immigrants learning English in the US showed that “classroom instructional hours” had little impact on progress. If we cannot teach our own official languages in North America, what hope is there for other languages like Chinese or Spanish, let alone Russian, Arabic or Hindi? As a speaker of 10 languages I know the benefits of speaking more than one language. We simply have to change the way we go about teaching languages. To start with we need to dispel seven common misconceptions about language learning. 1. Language learning is difficult It is only difficult to learn a language if you don’t want to. Learning a language takes time, but is not difficult. You mostly need to listen and read. Believe me, it is that simple. I have done it many times. Soon you feel the satisfaction of understanding another language. Before you know it you start speaking. It is the way languages are usually taught that makes language learning hard to like. 2. You have to have a gift for learning languages No you don’t. Anyone who wants to, can learn. In Sweden and Holland most people speak more than one language. They can’t just all be gifted at languages. Foreign athletes in North America usually learn to speak English faster than people in more formal learning environments. In language learning it is attitude, not aptitude, that determines success. 3. You have to live where the language is spoken Some immigrants to North America never learn to speak more than halting English. Yet we meet people in other countries who speak flawless English. In 1968, I learned to speak Mandarin fluently while living in Hong Kong, where few people spoke it. With the Internet, language content is available to anyone with a computer, and you can download it to your iPod and listen. Where you live is not an obstacle. 4. Only children can learn to speak another language well Recent brain research has demonstrated that our brains remain plastic well into old age. Adults who lose their eyesight have to learn a new language, braille, for example. Adults have a wide vocabulary in their own language and are better language learners than children. I have learned 4 languages since the age of 55. Adults only need the child’s willingness to experiment and desire to communicate, without the fear of ridicule. 5. To learn a language you need formal classroom instruction This is the crux of the problem. Classrooms may be economical to run and a great place to meet others. They have the weight of history and tradition behind them. Unfortunately, a classroom is an inefficient place to learn a language. The more students in the class, the more inefficient it is. Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Theoretical grammatical explanations are hard to understand, hard to remember, and even harder to use. Drills and exercises are annoying to most people. A majority of school kids graduate unable to communicate in languages that they study for 10 or more years. 6. You need to speak in order to learn (and I have nobody to speak to) Speaking the language is usually the goal of language learning, but speaking can wait. Once you have acquired the language, you will find the opportunity to speak. When you are learning the language it is more important to listen. Trying to just pick up a few “handy” phrases to say is likely to just get you into trouble. If you meet a native speaker, you will inevitably spend most of your time listening unless you already know the language. You do not need to speak in order to learn, you need to learn in order to speak. 7. I would love to learn but I don’t have the time How about the time you spend waiting in line, commuting, doing things around the house, going for a walk? Why not use that time to listen to a language on your iPod? Once you get started, even 10 or 15 minutes a day will soon grow to 30 minutes a day, or one hour. If you believe you will achieve significant results, and if you enjoy doing it, as I do, you will find the time.查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
消气防知识? 消气防知识 查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
关于lewmet合金? 哪位盖德能够lewmet合金的具体材料成分?或者有无类似的国际牌号可供参考?查看更多 13个回答 . 4人已关注
装车台发油装车仪配套阀门类型? 装车台发油装车仪配套阀门类型: 是否必需用 电液阀 ,气动两段阀是否可行?查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
HYSYS与Aspen Dynamics的区别? 很多朋友在动态模拟软件使用前会产生一些疑问,在此做一些解释,希望后面的朋友继续将问题深化。 动态模拟与稳态模拟的区别 (1)稳态流程模拟是化工流程模拟研究中开发最早、应用最普遍和发展比较成熟的一种重要技术。稳态模拟的目的就是用适宜的系统数学模型来预测过程的稳态性能。它包括物料衡算和能量衡算、设备尺寸和费用计算以及过程的技术经济评价。 (2)动态模拟就是输入随时间变化,输出也是随时间变化的。涉及到动态数据如何输入到模拟系统。模拟实际装置的动态特性,对实际装置的控制策略进行验证。 稳态模拟软件用途: 新装置设计 旧装置改造 已有装置校核、标定 操作调优 瓶颈分析 科学研究 新工艺流程开发 动态模拟软件用途: 了解装置经受动态负荷的能力。 分析开停车及外部干扰作用下的动态性能,为装置及其控制系统的设备提供依据。 通过仿真计算,在多种控制方案中进行优选。 代替实验装置对操作给出动态响应,开发达到训练目的的操作人员培训器。 用计算机动态模拟手段代替教学 实验设备 。 实际生产过程中不可能出现稳态,所以稳态模拟的过程中,势必要运用一些经验数据,可以认为是一种理想中的运行状态。 在实际生产过程中,过程参数不停的波动,最理想的状态也是一种动态的平衡,而这种动态的状态运动稳态模拟工具是不可能实现的。 因此,动态模拟对实际生产更有指导意义 1) 开停车过程的模拟。对开停车过程的模拟,可以知道开停车过程中将会产生多少不合格品,需要多长时间才能使完成开停车过程,从而可以知道需要多大的容器盛放这些不合格品,进而知道需要和多少高质量的产品混合后可以作为合格品出售。 2) 生产过程中参数波动的影响。过程变量如进料组成、温度及压力的波动等如果发生变化,系统需要一定时间才能回到正常状态,通过动态模拟,可以知道进料组成变化幅度在多大范围,生产的参数保持不变,系统经过多长时间可以回复到正常状态,以及因此对产品质量的影响。 使用软件关键是你要用来做什么,做控制分析,做OTS,做动态模拟。。。。。。。两个软件同为Aspentech动态模拟产品,其应用方向并不相同,HYSYS主要针对油气和烃处理领域,而AD则利用PLUS物性擅长于化工与纯组分处理。AD功能繁多,有时必须使用者要懂得一些编程方面的知识,如要模拟紧急停车,顺控等。在处理小流程时,AD比较快,但单元操作多,流程复杂时,可能会遇到不少问题,有时会死机。HYSYS使用简单,所有的操作均可以界面下操作,如模拟紧急停车,顺控等。在处理大流程时,表现现较强的稳定性。 查看更多 8个回答 . 4人已关注
cad上的部分图纸,需要插入到woed中怎么做? 我在写技改建议,需要在文章中插入一些图纸,woed不会画,就用CAD画,可画好后,怎么插入到WOED中,我试了用复制粘贴的方法,不行图在woed中显示很小,在扩大CAD图像也不行,请教高手应该怎么做查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
不错的fluent学习资料,绝对经典? enenennenen,下下来看看啊查看更多 11个回答 . 1人已关注
油价七连跌 今起下调3%? 本文由 盖德化工论坛转载自互联网 内地 成品油 价格7连跌。国家发改委宣布,11月1日零时起,将汽、柴油价格每吨分别下调245及235元(人民币,下同),相当于 汽油 价每升降0.19元、柴油每升降0.2元。调整后的汽、柴油 标准品 最高供应价格每吨分别为8055元和6980元,根据歷史数据测算,和10月18日最近一次调价相比,是次汽、柴油价每吨分别下调了2.95%及3.25%。 大宗商品数据商生意社能源分社社长李宏指出,在本次下调兑现之后,全国除少数地区,大部分省市的93号汽油每升零售价格全面回归到“6元时代”。生意社成品油分析师潘海萍认为,美元指数强势上升,原油(80.45,-0.09,-0.11%)或再遭重压。但另一方面,WTI、迪拜原油期货价格施压库存。她预计,在11月28的下一次调价窗口,内地成品油价格或将迎来上调局面。 今年以来,内地成品油已经歷4涨、11跌,6次搁浅。总体而言,今年内地汽油价格整体每吨分别跌1170元及1125元。 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
底部装车鹤管在流程图上如何表示? 求助,底部装车鹤管在流程图上应该怎么画?哪位出出主意,贴张图上来,谢谢了查看更多 1个回答 . 3人已关注
如何模拟等温压缩或是说多变压缩啊? 选取compr 压缩机 模块 setup里面compressor model不论选取哪一个模型,算出来后出口温度都与等熵压缩算出来的温度一样. 该如何是好,实际压缩机到这么高的一个温度就爆了呀! 求助,多谢!查看更多 7个回答 . 2人已关注
换热器震动较大,怎么解决? 换热器 不平稳,主要查看水蒸汽的流量和压力,流量要稳定才能使设备平稳,压力不能太高,一般换热器设计运行的压力为0.4MPa,超过设计压力运行,对设备不利。查看更多 13个回答 . 5人已关注
循环洗油质量? 循环洗油270℃溜出物降低,由60%左右降至40-45,而300℃溜出物没什么变化。循环洗油密度1.08,粘度1.35以上查看更多 8个回答 . 1人已关注
泵冲洗方案61? 泵冲洗方案61 请问: 结构图, PID图 适用范围 功能 查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
衡量炼油装置生产稳定性的质量参数? 由于地炼厂家的原料油性质波动较大,各套 生产装置 的产品质量随之波动。但主要产品的某些重要参数是装置自身可控的,请大家来讨论一下衡量炼油装置生产稳定性的质量参数。 我先试着说一下: 常 减压装置 ——常柴的95%馏程 延迟焦化——焦柴的95%馏程 柴油加氢——柴油的硫含量 重整装置——重整汽油的辛烷值 催化裂化——稳定汽油的终馏点 汽油加氢—— 加氢汽油 的硫含量 气分MTBE——丙烯纯度 催柴改质——柴油硫含量 大家有不同意见的请发表一下吧{:3_53:}查看更多 4个回答 . 4人已关注
请教CAD制图标准及管道标注? CAD主物料线及次物料线的线宽是多少? 塑料管道 、 玻璃管道 标注的符号是什么。 有谁能提供我CAD制图方面的技巧的查看更多 5个回答 . 4人已关注
职业:北京外企人力资源服务青岛有限公司 - 化工工艺工程师
学校:西南民族大学 - 旅游与历史文化学院
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