集散控制系统故障导致空分设备停车分析? 集散控制系统故障导致空分设备停车分析 曾 海 亮 (珠海盈德气体有限公司,广东省珠海市519050) 摘要:介绍了因集散控制系统故障导致空分设备停车的经过及原因,并提出了解决的方法及 今后运行中需注意的f*-I题。 关键词:大型空分设备;集散控制系统;优化控制 中图分类号:TB663 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009 9425(2006)02—0060—03 Analysis of an air separation unit shut-down caused by distributing control system fault Zeng Hai—liang . (Zhuhai Yingde Gas Co.,Ltd.,Zhuhai 519050,Guangdong,P.R.China) Abstract: The process of an air separation system shut—down caused by its distributing control system fault has been introduced.Based on the cause analysis for the accident, some corresponding treatments are proposed.followed by a description of the issues noticeable in future operation. Keywords: Large scale air separation unit;Distributing control system;Optimized control查看更多0个回答 . 1人已关注