为什么粘性变形的功全部损耗为热?关于动态力学的一些理解:动态力学的一个重要概念是复数模量。The complex modulus G* is a complex function which consists of two components G*=G'+iG". The real component of G* is storage modulus G', which is proportional to the average energy stored during a cycle of deformation per unit volume, reflects the elastic portion of material. The imaginary component of G* is loss modulus G", which is proportional to the energy dissipated per unit volume over a cycle, reflecting the viscous portion of material. The tangent of the phase angle is the ratio of dissipated and stored energy, tanδ=G"/G'. δ=0 represents elastic solid behavior. δ =90° represents viscous liquid behavior. 复数模量G*由2部分构成,G*的实部为储能模量G',表示交变应力作用下材料储存并可任意释放的能量,反映弹性成分。G*的虚部为损耗模量G'',反映变形过程中由于内部摩擦产生、并以热的形式散失的能量,体现黏性成分。相位角正切值表示黏性成分与弹性成分之比,即tanδ=G"/G'。当δ=0°时,材料呈现纯弹性;当δ=90°时,材料呈现纯黏性,查看更多