简析动力滚筒的各种安装方式介绍? 动力滚筒 简单的说就是靠被输运的物品表面和传送带的摩擦力来达到运输物品的目地的,但是如果动力滚筒的驱动方式不同的话,工作的原理还是有不小的出入的。 通常动力滚筒的驱动方式有两种,一种是独立的驱动方式,另一种是组合驱动方式。 1、动力滚筒独立的驱动方式就是把每个负责输送的辊子上面都单独装备一个驱动器,这样的话,如果驱动器出现问题,装卸非常方便。 2、动力滚筒组合驱动方式就是把几个辊子组合成一起,装一个驱动,这样做的好处主要是降低了设备的成本以及造价是,而且组合驱动的动力牵引方式还比较多,主要有齿轮传送、链条传送以及传送带传送这三种。 别看动力滚筒的驱动方式有不少种,其实动力滚筒的之间也可以有多种的组合方式,由于动力滚筒之间的衔接非常方便,所以可以把多条动力滚筒的组合在一起形成更大的传送带,可以完成比较复杂的工业需求。 一般来说,动力滚筒在安装的时候都是安装在平面上面的,不需要像无动力滚筒一样需要借助重力来进行牵引,但是动力滚筒胜在传输量非常大,而且操作简单,运输速度也快,在工作的时候,也没有太多的噪音产生,还能传输大部分的物品,所以说一般现在机械上面还是安装动力滚筒的非常多。 提醒大家在选择动力滚筒的时候,要注意一下滚筒的机械组架的材质,目前市场上比较主流的机架材质有三种,分别是 不锈钢 、铝以及碳钢塑喷这三种,  可以根据实际动传送的物品来决定机架的结成材质,比如,经常运输比较轻的物品就没必要买钢制的机架,铝的就很好,成本低又轻巧,装卸都非常方便。 动力滚筒结构:采用特制钢质轴承座、精密轴承 特点:负荷大、噪音低、经久耐用,转动灵活。 动力滚筒用途:适合重力式辊筒 输送机 ,动态储存系统使用场所:适合工厂、仓库、物流中心的室内。 查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
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多晶硅的系统工艺流程? 刚入 多晶硅 行业,请朋友们能不能提供一些多晶硅的工艺流程及资料。谢谢了!!查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
调查一下,朋友厂里的仪表都是按照有效期严格校准的么? 02年左右进厂时,厂里的仪表大部分都是严格按照校准日期进行校准的,当时厂里只有压力表及 压力变送器 、压力控制开关以及调节阀的校准资质,平常压力表损坏都是拆卸到校准室校准维修的,除了弹簧管变形、渗漏外都是能够维修的,热电偶没有资质拆卸需要送到一个兄弟厂里校准,高级一点的数显仪、积算仪、贸易仪表都是送到市里或省里的质监局校准的,印象最深的就是装置的大修,所有到期的仪表能拆卸的都拆卸送到校准室,不能拆卸的调节阀需要现场校准,工作量很大,在安装中还常常弄错位置。 后来,大约7年后,厂里取得了热工 温度仪表 的校准资质,热偶、热阻、双金属都能够校准了,可是发现却没有了先前的校准过程,不说压力表、压力检测仪表不在校准,就是热偶、热阻大修期间也是只现场抽查拆卸几只易磨损的位置检查一下热偶套管的磨损情况,至于热偶芯都是原样安装的。有效期到了都是更新一下台账,然后让现场仪表维护人员把现场仪表的有效期标签直接更换新有效期就行了,这样装置呢的仪表几乎没有小准过,现场各级管理领导的检测也是只看标签不看是否在有效期,然后大家在在办公室里造校准记录,如此大家都习以为常,领导也感觉很合理,于是造假变成了默认的工作规范,至于表的精度没有人去关心。现在除了 可燃气体报警器 ,每半年市质监局来走走过场,一个小时校准30多台,就是贸易计量的仪表还正规的到省里校准,其余的都是这样了。 不知论坛从事仪表维护的朋友厂里的情况是否如此,为什么会出现这样的情况。 查看更多 33个回答 . 5人已关注
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气液混合物进料如何计算加料热状态参数? 毕业设计是 甲醇 精馏塔 进料温度86度,进料流量1800kg/h, 甲醇质量分数76.39% ,属于气液 混合物 进料。 请问怎么计算加料热状态参数q,求具体例子或者求解公式。 书上就说1kmol原料变成饱和蒸汽所需的热 / 原料的摩尔汽化热查看更多 14个回答 . 1人已关注
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美国褐煤干燥进展-? 本文由 盖德化工论坛 转载自互联网 One-Year Operating Experience with a Prototype Fluidized Bed Coal Dryer at Coal Creek Generating Station 2007Project Goals and Schedule Project ?Goals and Objectives: ?Reduce moisture content of lignite, PRB, and other high-moisture coals. ?Use waste heat from the power plant. ?Modify existing coal handling systems. ?Increase competitive position of lignite-, PRB-, and other high moisture coal-fired power plants. ?Reduce environmental impact of lignite-, PRB-, and other high-moisture coal-fired power plants ? Project Phases and Schedule: Test Burns, Fluidized Bed Dryer Design 2002 Phase 1 Pilot Dryer 2 T/hr 2003-2004 Phase 2 Prototype Dryer 75 T/hr 2005-2007 Phase 3 Commercial Operation 900 T/hr 2008- Description of Host UnitDescription Unit Coal Creek Station: ?1,150 MW lignite-fired ?Two T-fired CE boilers ?2,520 psig @ 1,005 oF/1,006 oF ?Two single reheat GE G-2 turbines ?3 Cooling towers ?Fuel HHV = 6,200 BTU/lb ?Fuel moisture = 38 percent ?Coal fired = 900,000 lb/hr per unit Prototype Coal DryerPrototype Dryer ?Fluidized bed dryer: ?Maximum capacity 112.5 t/hr. ?Remove approx. ?of total coal moisture (TM). ?Dry lignite from 38%to 29.5%(ΔTMTarget= 8.5% Abs.) ?Improve HHV from 6,2006,200to 7,0457,045. ?Uses low-grade waste heat to evaporate a portion of the fuel moisture from the lignite feedstock. ?No other heat sources are used for coal drying. ?Fully automated operation, integrated into the plant control system. ?Six patent applications on dryer design and control filed by GRE. Prototype CDS Checkout, Start-Up, and Operation SummaryPrototype Summary ?Checkout and shakedown in December 2005. ?1stcoal on January 30th 2006. ?7-hour daily test runs ?Dryer inspection in February 2006: ?No accumulation of material in the dryer ?Drying to 29.5% ?Segregator optimization from Feb 27thto Mar 3rd2006. ?Operator training before 24/7 operation ? Performance testing in March and April 2006. ?Maximum capacity tests: May and June 2006. ?Dryer inspection in May 2006: ?No wear or damage Prototype Coal Dryer PerformancePrototype Performance ? Performance tests were conducted in spring 2006 under controlled conditions to determine: ? Prototype coal dryer (CD26) performance ?Effect of partially dried coal on boiler and unit efficiency, and stack emissions. ? Prototype coal dryer was operated conservatively to gain operating experience. ?Dryer performance during regular operation was also determined. ?Coal dryer operating parameters were higher. ? Plant operating parameters and emissions were recorded plant historian. ?Coal composition and HHV were determined from coal samples that were collected manually and by automatic coal samplers. ?More than 300,000 tons of wet lignite processed to date. Prototype Coal Dryer PerformancePrototype Performance ? Performance tests were conducted in spring 2006 under controlled conditions to determine: ? Prototype coal dryer (CD26) performance ? Effect of partially dried coal on boiler and unit efficiency, and stack emissions. ? Prototype coal dryer was operated conservatively to gain operating experience. ? Dryer performance during regular operation was also determined. ? Coal dryer operating parameters were higher. ? Plant operating parameters and emissions were recorded plant historian. ? Coal composition and HHV were determined from coal samples that were collected manually and by automatic coal samplers. U.S. Market PotentialU.Potential ?280 units fire high-moisture coals (lignite and PRB) in the U.S. ?1/3 of electric power from coal ?> 100 GWel ?Sub-bituminous and lignite coals account for 52% of U.S. coal reserves. Conclusions ?A low-temperature coal drying process employing a fluidized bed coal dryer and waste heat was developed by a team led by GRE and ERC. ?The benefits of the partially dried lignite are demonstrated at GRE’s Coal Creek Station (CCS). ?Demonstration is conducted with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding under DOE Award Number: DE-CF26-04NT41763. ? Phase 1. Prototype coal drying system (CDS) employing one FBD was designed, constructed, and integrated into Unit 2 at CCS. ?The prototype CDS at CCS has been in almost continuous fully automatic operation since early 2006. ?To date processed more than 300,000 tons of wet lignite. ?Dryer inspections revealed no wear or damage to its internals. ?Feeder trips for the mill receiving dried coal were eliminated. ■The oversize material, typically responsible for the trips, screened out or discharged from the dryer with the non-fluidizablematerial Coal Dryer Performance: ?Nominal coal flow rate 75 t/hr ?Coal moisture reduction8.23% Abs (8.5% target) ?HHV improvement752 BTU/lb ?Unit Performance ?Coal flow rate reduction: ■ Prototype CDS2.0% ■Full-size CDS14% ?Mill power reduction: ■ Prototype CDS3.3% ■Full-size CDS (4 FBDs)25% ?Boiler efficiency improvement: ■ Prototype CDS0.37% Abs. ■Full-size CDS(4 FBDs)2.13% Abs. ?Net unit heat rate improvement: ■ Prototype CDS0.37% ■Full-size CDS (4 FBDs)2.87% Emissions: ?NOxreduction: ■ Prototype CDS7.5% ■Full-size CDS> 10% ?SOxreduction: ■ Prototype CDS1.9% ■Full-size CDS (4 FBDs)10 to 15% ?Hg reduction: ■ Prototype CDS0.4% ■Full-size CDS(4 FBDs)15 to 20% ?CO2reduction: ■ Prototype CDS0.4% ■Full-size CDS (4 FBDs)3.00% Significant improvement in efficiency and reduction in emissions could be achieved by: ?Retrofitting existing sub-bituminous coal-fired units with a coal drying system. ? Producing dried coal for the off-site use. ?For maximum efficiency, new sub-bituminous coal-fired supercriticaland ultra-supercriticalpower plants should be designed and built with an integrated coal drying system. Future WorkFuture Work ? Phase 2. Eight full-size coal dryers (4 per unit) will be built, installed, and tested. ?Design phase is nearing completion. ?With all coal dryers in service it will be possible to reduce the moisture of total coal feed to both units at CCS (Units 1 and 2). ?Commercial operation: November 2008 ?Controlled and uncontrolled performance tests will be conducted to determine: ?Efficiency improvement ?Emissions reduction ?Effects of burning dried coal on unit operation. [ ]查看更多 0个回答 . 2人已关注
关于aspen中assay data analysit? 这个怎么用,为啥教程上没找到?求帮助查看更多 10个回答 . 5人已关注
设备现场开孔问题? 设备图纸上, 液位计 、观察孔等标明开孔需在现场进行,请问在这种情况下,开孔由容器制造单位还是由容器安装单位执行,通常认为由安装单位开孔比较容易,因为安装现场与容器制造单位可能距离较远,不利于实施(成本费用等的控制)。 在这一块易于纠纷(误解),求正确的做法,或者惯例!! 查看更多 8个回答 . 5人已关注
这个配合间隙范围是多少? 长轴 液下泵 轴径40mm,轴径与轴套的配合按标准是H7/h6,那这个配合值是多少?查看更多 7个回答 . 3人已关注
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案例分析:下列情况是否应定为工伤(6)? 如果赔偿过低,是没有效力的!工伤1年内,都可以申请工伤认定 最高人民法院《关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律若干问题的解释(三) 劳动者与用人单位达成的协议存在重大误解或显失公平情形,当事人请求撤销的,人民法院应予支持。查看更多 6个回答 . 3人已关注
职业:高安市蓝正新型化工材料有限公司 - 电仪主管
学校:渭南师范学院 - 历史与文化传播系
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