工作职场故事翻译(四)? “一医院发生火灾,扑灭后火警跟院长汇报:"火已经扑灭了, 我们在地下室发现三个受伤人员,两个已救活,一个不行了。” "院长听后就昏过去了,众人开始救院长, 院长起来后说:“我们地下室是太平间啊!” 出来混迟早要还的 one hosipital is on fire, when got extinguished, the fire police reported to the president that,the fire was put down,we found three wounded in the basement, two are survival ,one is dead. the president fainted after hearing this,when got himself,he got up and said "but the underground is mortuary" you will pay for what you have done. but curler was wonder, usually,are there no hospital staff in the mrtuary?查看更多