曾经参加高考的你,当时是什么心情? 曾经参加高考的你,当时是什么心情? How was your feeling when you were taking part in the college entrance exam? 每年的高考都是全国人民关注的话题,毕竟它承载了太多学生的汗水,太多父母的期望,太多对未来的展望。每年参加高考的学子都会想尽办法把自己调整到最佳的状态,希望自己有个好成绩,进入一所好大学,十年的寒窗苦读,只此一搏! The yearly college entrance exam is over again, which is the focus of people all over China since it bears too much perspiration of the students, too much hope of their parents and too much prospect in the future. The students taking exam will make every effort to adjust themselves to the best, hoping to attain a good result and enter a prestigious university. It is this combat that matters after decade’s hardship. 亲爱的词友们,还记得曾今参加高考的你,当时是什么心情么?紧张?兴奋?还是解脱? My dear friends, do you still remember your college entrance exam? How was your feeling? Were you nervous, excited, or relieved? 查看更多1个回答 . 5人已关注