这段话理解不了,求翻译? 最近在学hysys,官方手册里有段话看不太明白,是关于 精馏塔 内的再沸器用 换热器 替代的问题的 Another method of simulating the reboiler with a Heat Exchanger is to use the Internal Stream feature of the column to make a copy of the reboiler on the main flowsheet. Here this will be added to the case where a rigorous heat exchanger has already been added to the column subflowsheet. However this technique works just as well with columns using the standard Reboiler operation. This way of modelling the reboiler is just as accurate as adding the heat exchanger to the column sub-flowsheet although it does not look quite as good. 我搞不明白的就是,它指的到底是在主流程中设置换热器还是在子流程中设置,如果是在主流程中设置,那么 是在 already been added to the column subflowsheet后添加,还是直接在主流程中设置 ? 非常感谢查看更多8个回答 . 5人已关注