到底是操作人员在操作泵还是系统在操作泵? In industry -- a refinery, a steel mill, or municipal water plant hires someone and designates them a “Pump Operator.” This person is under instructions to operate the pump. In reality though, he doesn’t really “operate” the pump . His real function is to negotiate system upsets and protect the pump from damage. This is because the system is what actually operates the pump . The pump takes what the suction gives it and jacks-up the pressure, with power through the impeller, tolerances and velocity, to meet the resistance in the discharge piping. The pump is the passive receiver of the system’s demands . If the process and production engineers understood it this way, and taught it this way to the pump operators, we’d have less “Bad Actor pumps,” less mysterious vibrations, and longer seal and bearing life on rotating equipment. But these are issues for another article (I digress). By saying the system controls the pump, I mean the pump will do what the system makes it do . If the system makes the pump do what it cannot, then the pump will shut down or fail by taking out its bearings and/or seals . http://www.flowcontrolnetwork.com/issuearticle.asp?ArticleID=256 我在网上发掘出这样一份杂志,Flowcontrol,上面是杂志一篇文章的摘录,我觉得写的极为精彩,推荐给大家,这里有个问题,蓝色部分该如何理解? 查看更多4个回答 . 4人已关注