哪位大神能告诉我照片中的聚酯材料具体是什么,在哪能买到?请问:1.图中的透明聚酯材料是什么,在哪能买到。文中只说了是127微毫厚30*6mm的聚酯材料,这种材料还有一定的韧性,可以像图中那样弯曲。? ?? ?? ???2.还有文中说将这种聚酯材料用 耐热胶带 黏在金属棒上,再用 加热器 加热到150度烤3分钟,用来改变聚酯材料的弯曲程度。请问用什么样的加热器能达到这种效果。文章是英文的可能我的理解不是很到位,附上英文原文:The prototype shell structure device was fabricated using a polyester film and PVDF film. A polyester film with a thickness of 127 um was cut into square pieces with a length and width of 30 and 6 mm, respectively. Further, a 110 um thick commercial PVDF film (Measurement Specialties, Inc.) with metal electrodes on both sides was prepared in a rectangular shape with a length and width of 20 and 2 mm, respectively. Fig. 2(a) shows a schematic view of the fabrication process used for achieving shell curvature in the polyester film. First, the polyester film was rolled around a metal rod and fixed to the rod with a heatproof tape. Next, the polyester film was heat-treated for 3 min at 150 ? C. The curvature of the polyester film depends on the radius of the core rod.图片在附件中,我不是学材料的,有许多东西都不太懂,还请哪位大神帮帮忙。C$@EC_FG_ELZV$M%4Y5$QDH.pngE`B7Y1I~[TZKFX@ZRKWWRLM.pngKE]2[XS%@02[KM$5V9]AAV8.png查看更多3个回答 . 14人已关注