XPS分析,反应前后C 1s的峰强度增加,但是实验过程中没有使用含碳的化学品,求解~~?实验用的是纳米零价铁和 重金属 Cr(VI) 和Pb(II)反应(1)反应前后C 1s的峰强度明显增加,审稿人问我是不是碳和重金属有反应,还问我碳是从哪来的,我看过文献,在不使用含碳 化学药 品前提下,都是因为碳污染,才存在C 1s,我怀疑是样品制作过程中用的滤纸,是不是滤纸纤维混在样品里了?(2)反应前后零价铁的XPS图上,审稿人说没反应的零价铁那个图不是零价铁的峰,是背景值,到底是不是呢?文献上也说测不出来Fe0的存在,因为有一层Fe的 氧化物 覆盖在上面。附上审稿人的建议:The XPS characterization is not correct. Why an intense signal for C1s appears in the survey of the sample before and after reaction with the heavy metals? Where does it come from?In the same survey, the signal of Fe 2p is very weak, as well as those due to Pb 4f7 and Cr 2p (which is almost imperceptible). In Fig. 4b, it is very difficult to detect the presence of Feo and it seems to be background noise. Could be this fact due to a thick Fe (oxy)hydroxide coating on the NZVI surface? In similar works, the XPS spectrum of NZVI shows clearly a signal for Feo whose intensity decreases when NZVI reacts with heavy metal ions or other pollutants. All this section regarding XPS characterization should be deeply revised.求大神帮忙,很着急,等着投稿毕业呢C 1s.jpgJE%V[NY@@QB}MYE3A2(H0}E.png查看更多3个回答 . 20人已关注