求教:有效数字和小数位数的问题?如题,近日文章来修改意见,如下:7)Many results are reported with unreasonably large number of significant figures. This should be revised throughout the whole manuscript. Just as an example, in page 16, a recovery is reported as 93.15±2.41 %. This should be reported instead as 93±2 %, which is the correctly conservative way of reporting figures. Many more examples appear here and there, especially in Table 4.8)Table 5, again too many significant figures for LOD and LOQ. Since these two parameters are computed as a function of uncertainties (see the corresponding equations), they should be reported with 1 or at most 2 significant figures, because the noise cannot be estimated with more than 2 figures, and this is the limiting factor in the number of significant figures of the LOD and LOQ.9)And I guess 5 significant figures is too much for some of these SEN figures.significant figures是有效数字的意思吗??我当时所有的数据都是保留小数点后面两位,比如SEN=583.25,就是五位有效数字,再如SEN=3653.25,六位有效数字,太多??保留两位有效数字,用科学计数法吗?另外,LOD=0.001,保留两位有效数字要写成LOD=0.00010,这么多小数位数??犹如,LOQ=15.6,保留两位有效数字写成LOD=16??这么粗糙???晕了,到底是按小数位数算好,还是按有效数字算好呢??求指教。谢谢!!!查看更多3个回答 . 3人已关注