天大复习题 4-31? 在一个双管程 换热器 中,壳方通入饱和蒸汽 加热管 内 空气 。110°C的饱和水蒸气冷凝成同温度的水,将空气由20°C加热到80°C。则换热器第一管程出口的温度为: A 50°C B 58°C C 65°C D 70°C 答案为: B 求解题思路查看更多11个回答 . 1人已关注
ASPEN DYNAMICS MheatX 模块(让人头疼的错误!!)? 最近在用DYNAMICS 做液化天然气加工,完成静态模拟后,用PRESSURE CHECK 检查时,发现MHEATX 模块出了以下问题,请大侠看看....谢谢!! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Warning in block B5: The steady state pressure drop through this MHEATX is less than 0.0001 bar (0.0015 psi). The pressure drop will be fixed in the dynamic simulation and will not be related to the flow rate through the block. If you wish to model the effect of flow rate on pressure drop i ncrease the pressure drop in the steady state simulation. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————^_^查看更多17个回答 . 5人已关注