这是大平原煤制气经验启示中的一段话,高手指导下!? 5.5.c Implications for Future Projects 对未来项目的启示 Assumption : The items identified below are focused on issues relating to ash handling for a drybottom gasifier. In addition, some of the ash-handling issues faced at the GPSP may be feedstock-specific and relevant only to gasification of North Dakota lignite. If the ash discharge from the gasifiers is at an elevated height compared to the disposal site/ departure point , sluiceways for ash handling can rely on gravity flow rather than mechanical pumping , and will be less susceptible to changes in ash properties. Ash handling designs, which plan for variations in ash particle sizes related to variations in gasifier/feedstock performance, will be more robust. Maintaining a minimum velocity of slurried ash will prevent the settling of ash particles. Dumping ash from the ash locks in a consistent, uniform pattern enables an even and constant flow in the sluiceways 表达有些生硬,哪位高人指点下。气化炉灰处理的内容! 查看更多3个回答 . 3人已关注