一个关于焊接上的单词? For Schedules 5 and 10, only GTAW shall be used for the root bead and the balance of the weld. 我觉得看这个句子有两种可能性: Possibility 1. only GTAW shall be used for the root bead and the balance of the weld. GTAW只能用于根部焊道,那the balance of weld(其余焊道)怎么办呢? Possibility 2. only GTAW shall be used for the root bead and the balance of the weld. 只有 GTAW可用于根部焊道及其余焊道。 看了这个句子后我不知道the balance of weld到底是采用GTAW还是不能采用GTAW。查看更多