硫酸亚铁 干燥?就是干燥后的七水合硫酸亚铁呗。虽然dried也有脱水的意思,但是这里肯定是干燥后的,指的是不含游离水。我看了你另外一个贴了。我觉得那三者的区别就在前面的形容词上,在化学上的不同就是三者的结构。liquid的就 ... Moist ferrous sulfate shall contain not less than 17.5 percent, by weight, of total soluble iron in the heptahydrate form;Dried ferrous sulfate shall contain not less than 19.5 percent, by weight, of total soluble iron in the heptahydrate form; not less than 29 percent, by weight, of total soluble iron in the monohydrate form;Liquid ferrous sulfate shall contain a minimum of 5.5 percent total soluble iron with 0.6 percent free sulfuric acid and not more than 0.9 percent insoluble matter.翻译说成干燥的硫酸亚铁似乎不太好,其余几个也应该怎么翻译呢,查看更多