进口泵来函翻译,高手帮忙? dear yong further to reviewing your pictures please see the solution we suggest to rectify the issue of the foundation bolt holes not matching to the pockets on the foundation poured. 1. put the pump into the best possible position onto the foundation. this is where the most holes match the pockets already in the foundation. 2. in our opinion there is only one hole each side that requires modifying once this has been completed. 3. remove the jacking bolt lug and the taper washer for the foundation bolts and invert their positions.. this should then allow you to match the holes up to the pockets. we apologize for the inconvenience caused however this is a relatively simple solution for this matter. i will be on vacation from this evening however i can be reached either on msn or by mobile phone should you need to discuss further kind regards peter operations manager 不解之处 文中有几处不解之处,把全文给出,是为了上下连贯,以生歧意。 1.further to reviewing your pictures 是指什么?在看你的图片之前吗? 2.jacking bolt lug and the taper washer分别指的是什么?怎么翻译? 我根据现场实物,理解其中大意,略译如下: 亲爱的勇: 在看图片之前先看一下我们建议矫正地脚螺栓孔与混凝土灌注基础预留孔不匹配问题的解决方案: 1.将泵置于基础上最合适的位置,这也是泵螺栓孔与基础预留孔对应最多的位置。 2.在我们看来如果要完成该矫正工作每侧最多有一个螺栓孔需要修改。 3.将调整顶丝垫片及地脚螺栓锥形垫片取下并调换位置,该过程要确保设备地脚螺栓孔置于(混凝土灌注)基础预留孔之上。 尽管处理该问题的方法比较简单我们仍对由此引发的不便致歉。 从今晚开始我就开始休假了,但如果贵方有需要的话我可以通过msn或手机作进一步讨论。 商祺 peter 业务经理 请多多指教! 斑竹编辑提示:帖子内容合并 [ 本帖最后由 lihx_susan 于 2008-11-17 20:04 编辑 ]查看更多