请教催化翻译,分馏系统称谓国内外怎么对应? 借用xiao版的一句话: 这些组分中,区分了干气、液化气、汽油、裂解气、焦炭,唯独少了柴油,那么对于催 ... 其实xiaojungnft版主提供的那段话讲得很清楚了,不能断章取义,你看看前面那句话:in the petroleum industry cycle oil is an unwanted liquid residue produced when using catalytic cracking to convert heavy hydrocarbon fractions from earlier stages of refining into more valuable lighter products。 还有后面一句话:cycle oil may be processed further to break it down into more useful products; in particular it may be mixed with heavier products and put through the refining process again (recycled). 这两句话已经对cycle oil 到底是什么讲得很清楚了。 至于为什么少了柴油,答案还在第一句话,你看using catalytic cracking to convert heavy hydrocarbon fractions from earlier stages of refining into more valuable lighter products。查看更多
tracers 是什么?(工艺管线设计)? 这里的意思就是伴热管/线,斜杠后面的是保温(隔热)的意思。 朋友没看清我的问题所在吧? piping, equipment and instruments designed..... will be traced, even if tracers / insulation are provided. 已经有 tracers / insulation 了,为什么还要说will be traced? 查看更多