神华宁煤集团83万吨二甲醚一期项目气化投料成功? 另外一个问题,在操作中出现一个问题,负荷不变的情况下,系统提压,炉温随着上涨。这个我最近几天没空想,也没有想通,高手们可考虑一下,帮我分析并解决该问题。谢谢了!查看更多
低变出口一氧化碳含量超标? 一般在这种情况下肯定是不会去降低进口温度的,除非楼主的低变触媒是因为严重超温而烧结致使低变出口co超标的,但那时候降温对降低出口co意义已经不大,主要就是从安全的角度出发了。适当提高低变触媒温度,有利于提高触媒活性,降低出口co,但这是在触媒老化时根据工艺情况具体来调节的,当然这也并不是降低出口co的唯一,关键还是要查找低变出口co为什么超标,是设备、工艺还是管道、阀门泄漏,再或是气质问题、操作不当的问题呢?找出原因对症下药,而不是随意调整工艺指标。查看更多
循环水池的大小的确定? 根据行家设计经验 循环水池大小取15~25分钟的循环水量 查看更多
关于化工用泵的区别? .za.ze是苏尔寿的化工流程泵系列,ze是中心线支撑结构用于高温高压的工况,属于api标准泵,cz和ih都是标准化工泵,可以整机互换iso2858标准,cz泵系列要比ih泵效率高5个点左右查看更多
压缩机的就地仪表盘有什么作用? 在开停压缩机的时候肯定要看现场就地仪表的,另外平常生产的时候也可以把就地表和远传进行对照查看更多
泡沫液位测量? 为什么要换成别的呢?电容式的测量有哪些缺点呢? 查看更多
求助这个反应? 有钠的,有钾的,钠钾就不知道了 submitted by henry strong,* paul j. krusic,t and joseph san filippo, jr.* checked by scott keenans and richard g. finkes carbonylferrates have been the subject of many studies. the well-defined mono-, di-, and trinuclear species [fe(co),]'-, [fe2(c0),,l2-, and [fe,(c0)ll]2- have been obtained by a variety of methods'-, in varying yields and degrees of convenience. the procedures described here provide uniform, convenient, high-purity, high-yield syntheses of the sodium salts of these three important reagents. in addition, the preparation of the bis bnitrido- bis(triphenylphosphorus)(l + )] salt of [fe,(co), j2 - by metathesis of [(ph,p),n]cl with na2[fe,(co), 1] is presented.bony1 (14.04 g, 72.0 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (200 ml) is added over a 30- min period with stirring to the previously described solution of (naphthalene) sodium. following a work-up procedure equivalent to that described above, the orange precipitate that is obtained is rinsed with three 200-ml portions of pentane. on drying under vacuum the orange solid yields 13.6 g (99%* based on iron pentacarbonyl) of bright yellow na,[fe,(co)j. the addition and removal of thf causes a reversible color change.2b elapsed time for the total synthesis is -3 h. caution. dry na,[fe2(co),] is a pyrophoric substance. disodium undecacarbonyltriferat~2- ), na2[fe,(co), 1], is prepared by a modification of the above procedure. thus, in a nitrogen flushed dry box, a 250-ml, single-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a teflon-coatkd stimng bar is charged with 1.84g (44 mmol) of sodium dispersion and capped with a rubber septum stopper. the flask is removed from the dry box and cooled in an ice bath; a solution of naphthalene (6.00 g, 47.0 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (150 ml) is introduced by cannula, and the resulting mixture is stirred for 2 h. a modified (see above) 1-l three-necked flask equipped with addition funnel and teflon-coated stirrer bar is charged with 10.07 g (20.0 mmol) of fe,(co),,, capped with a rubber septum, and flushed with nitrogen before adding thf (125 ml). the flask is placed in a dry ice-acetone bath, and the solution of sodium naphthalene is transferred through a cannula into the 200- ml addition funnel. this solution is added slowly over a period of 1 h to the chilled, well-stirred solution of fe,(co),, in thf. this order of addition is essential; reversal of the indicated order leads to substantial contamination of the product by unidentified side products. the resulting mixture is stirred for an additional 2 h before it is permitted to warm to ambient temperature. the flask is then transferred to the dry box, and the contents are concentrated under vacuum to dryness. the remaining dark red-brown solid is rinsed with three 200-ml portions of pentane and dried under vacuum once again. the isolated yield of na2[fe,(co),,] is 10.2g [98%t based on fe,(c0)12]. approximate elapsed time for total synthesis is 4 h. caution. dry na,[fe,(co), ,] is a pyrophoric substance. bis~-nitrido-bis(triphenylphosphorus~+l )] undecacarbonyltriferrate(2 - ) is obtained by treating a solution of na2[fe3(co)i 1] (1.2 g, 2.3 mmol) in 25 ml of anhydrous methanol, which is distilled from mg(och,), and is contained in a 250-ml, single-necked, round-bottomed flask with a solution of [(ph,p),n-jc16 (aldrich) (3.0 g, 5.2 mmol) in methanol (25 ml.) the dark red-brown solid that precipitates is collected by suction filtration on a *checkers obtained a yield of 88% after having initial dficulties in dissolving sodium. ?checkers obtained 57% yield. 206 metal carbonyl anion complexes medium-porosity frit under an inert atmosphere. recrystallization from dichloromethane as previously described3 yields 2.9 g (81%)* of crystalline, dark red-brown crystals of [(ph,p),n],[fe,(co), ,i. roperties disodium tetracarbonylferrate(2 - ) is a snow-white solid that is extremely sensitive to oxygen. it has a reported' solubility of 7 x m in thf and can be stored for moderate periods of time in an inert atmosphere, at room temperature, if kept in the dark. the ir spectrum, recorded in n,ndimethylformamide (dmf), exhibits a stretching frequency at 1730 an-', consistent with previous literature report^.^ the structure of the [fe(co),]'- anion has been established by x-ray,' and the utility of this reagent has been discus~ed.~ disodium octacarbonyldiferrate(2 - ) has been reported previously.'b this extremely air-sensitive solid is largely insoluble in most organic solvents, with only marginal solubility in thf. its ir spectrum, recorded in dmf, shows the following co stretching vibrations: 1835 (w), 1860(s), and 1910 (m) cm- consistent with previously reported valueszb a single-crystal x-ray structure determination of the [fez(c0),]' - anion has been carried out." disodium undecacarbonyltriferrate(2 - ) is a well-known substance that has also been characterized structurally.' ' the ir spectrum of this material, recorded in dmf, shows co stretching bands at 1940(s), 1915 (m), and 1880 (w) cm- ', consistent with values observed previ~usly.~*'' 查看更多
储运工程师怎么把盖德化工技术交流的 群给解散了 啊? 对啊!还有没有再建的啊!师姐,再建一个吧!查看更多
反应分馏DCS操作系统突然失灵,该如何? 人命关天啊!一旦dcs停电,就跟瞎子在悬崖上走路一样。直接按紧急停工处理最稳妥。查看更多
你能按时休假吗? 加班不给补假才是问题。加班费肯定说是有的,不过看不出来罢了。查看更多
卸货前或卸货后为什么要静置一段时间? 回复 2# yiduyi 这么短时间,卸好后,收收管子时间就够了,应该不要特别给卸货人员强调必须等一会再拆接地线了吧? 你说的分子间能量是什么原理?和静电有什么关系?查看更多
请教:柴油改质新氢压缩机停机是否需停原料? 半小时,熬不住,只能停进料,进行相应操作~~~查看更多
2012专业24、25题? 白努力方程应用于同一种连续流体,除非气相液相分段计算,但是这样条件够吗? 就因为伯努利方程是是要同一种连续流体,我计算时候只是考虑了液相。 假定左侧塔釜液相高度h1,右侧再沸器液相高度h2,就是说两侧液相界面差为(h1-h2)。 左侧液相上方和右侧液相上方是联通的气相。 左侧和右侧静压能的差为 (液相密度-气相密度) x 重力加速度 x (h1-h2),也就是这个静压能的差提供了足够动力使右侧的气相返回到塔釜。 貌似我分析的情况所导出的这个计算公式和其他几位高手列的计算式有点差别啊。。。 查看更多
仪表工作者的男女比例? 嗯 我们部门 18人 女的2人 其中一人是计量 另一位名义上也是现场维修 但是我们单位的女士 真是。。。。。。。。。 啥活也不干 其他男同胞都照顾他们 也不好意思说 就这么一 直糊涂干着 女的真是享福啊。。。我真想变成女的。。。。。。 囧查看更多
泵的灌浆问题? 我们施工的一般都是柱塞泵,37kw以上的,一般是在用垫铁找平后进行灌浆,灌浆范围一般是只灌地脚螺栓,不灌泵基座空腔查看更多
职称英语做题技巧? 有心人好,对大家帮助不小。查看更多
有谁做suzuki反应吗? 和溴苯偶联,用4-3pd做催化剂,甲苯、乙醇、水做溶剂,加naoh反应。产率很高,提纯简单。查看更多
如何用Aspen模拟带汽包的换热器? edr 应该可以吧 里面有个类似计算 你指的类似计算是指什么?提示下,我去找找看一下 查看更多
如何用氯化氨彻底沉淀铱? 酸度不是太高,盐酸的量大概是铱的量的2-3倍,氯化铵接近饱和。查看更多
知道HAZOP的进来(也许您的一个建议就能让大家受益)? 回复 169# zhangkevin 谢谢,正在努力中,hazop分析方法确实很有用!查看更多
职业:泉州振戎石化仓储有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:陕西银行学校 - 会计电算化
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