ELD的翻译? conform to 意思一般是 ‘符合‘, ‘使一致’, 或 ‘遵守’。 后边 应该是 表示 规律, 规则, 或者类似 ... 这有比较具体的一段话,应该是某种图,管线检查中用到的pid和iso图就够了,但不知道eld是什么图,查网上某些设计院还有eld工程师 的职位 punchlisting this involves checking the plant for defects, (using elds, isometrics etc), omissions and design faults. it is recommended that this activity be carried out jointly by construction and commissioning personnel to ensure commonality of standards and expectations, and to minimise the time taken both to highlight and eliminate faults. 查看更多