继续求助几个反应釜构造的英语翻译? 、an unused gasket shall be furnished by vendor for all openings requiring a blind flange or cover 卖方须为盲法兰或盖板的所有开孔提供一套备用垫片。 2、titanium – asbestos filled spiral wound with outside centering and compression limiting ring. 有外圆对中和压缩限位环的夹钛-石棉螺旋缠绕垫片 3、all flanges shall be from forged steel and conform dimensionally to asab 14.5 except as otherwise noted.所有法兰须由锻钢制造,除非另有说明,尺寸须符合asab14.5相关规定 4、studding outlet flange may be machined from a-515-70 q(符号画的不像,应该是表示厚度) in lieu of forging. 以螺柱连接的出口法兰允许用a-515-70钢板加工来代替锻件. astm a515中共有gr60,65,70三级,但热处理只有热轧和正火的。没有quench. 5、all openings shall be reinforced for 2/3 the hydrostatic test pressure in addition to design conditions. 所有开孔需补强。 后面半句让人搞不懂。 根据gb150,试验压力为1.25倍设计压力,2/3*5/4+1=11/6倍设计压力。 搞不懂?? 6、all pressure part welding on inner vessel (excluding jacket but nor coin) not otherwise fully radiographed shall have root and cover passes subjected to magnetic particle inspection. 不另行说明的所有内部受压件焊缝(不包括夹套,但包括盘管,此处应为coil),根部焊缝进行rt,盖面焊缝进行mt检测。查看更多