CAESAR II 应力评定? 3# gst831023 max stress intensity 是做疲劳分析时用的,不信你可看疲劳分析这一章,否则个max stress intensity根本就不用列出来。另:80% stress ratio 可参考b31.3 2008版第7页 sever cyclic conditons的名词解释,我说的是工程上的经验做法,并不是疲劳分析的真正界限。查看更多
双法兰液位计变送器安装高度是否有要求? 从我们所维护的装置中我可以看出,双法兰变送器的安装高度这个没有明确的规定,有的安装在负压一次阀上方,有的安装在负压和正压中间,有的则安装在正压下方。只要在安装时把零点和量程校正好后,改变变送器的安装位置,对他的零点和量程都没影响。因为液位计的量程为hpg(h为液面的最大变化范围,p为被测介质密度, g 为重力加速度)他和仪表的安装位置无关,所以怎么安装两程不变。查看更多
甲烷属于VOC吗? ch4不属于voc 见 欧盟 的voc定义 ( http:///uploads/documents/81-518-voc%20definition%20in%20europe.doc ) voc definition in europe according to ec directive 1999/13/ec (solvent emissions directive), volatile organic compounds (vocs) are functionally defined as organic compounds having at 293.15 k (i.e., 20°c) a vapour pressure of 0.01 kpa or more, or having a corresponding volatility under particular conditions of use. an organic compound is defined as any compound containing at least the element carbon and one or more of hydrogen, halogens (e.g., chlorine, fluorine or bromine), oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, or nitrogen, with the exception of carbon oxides and inorganic carbonates and bicarbonates. methane, ethane, co, co2, organometallic compounds and organic acids are excluded from this definition . 另, 加拿大 voc definition"volatile organic compound" or "voc" means any volatile organic compound that participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions, excluding the following: (a) methane ; (b) ethane; (c) methylene chloride (dichloromethane); 。。。 美国环保局 http:///wiki/index.php?title=epa_voc_definition the us epa's legal definition of vocs is as follows: volatile organic compounds (voc) means any compound of carbon which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions, excluding: carbon monoxide carbon dioxide carbonic acid metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate (1) this includes any such organic compound other than the following , which have been determined to have negligible photochemical reactivity: methane ethane methylene chloride (dichloromethane) 。。。 查看更多