轮系章节看到的一点问题? A pair of spur gears is represented in the diagram by their pitch circles , which are tangent at the pitch point P. The meshing gear teeth extend beyond the pitch circle by the addendum , and the spaces between them have a depth beneath the pitch circle by the dedendum .If the radii of the pitch circles are a and b, the distance between thegear shafts is a + b. In the action of the gears, the pitch circlesroll on one another without slipping. To ensure this, the gear teethmust have a proper shape so that when the driving gear moves uniformly,so does the driven gear. This means that the line of pressure, normal to the tooth profiles in contact, passes through the pitch point. Then,the transmission of power will be free of vibration and high speeds arepossible. We won't talk further about gear teeth here, having statedthis fundamental principle of gearing. 这里normal查阅字典,得“垂直的”的意思。根据这几天看”轮系“章节的经验,认为就是“垂直”的意思。 [ ]查看更多2个回答 . 1人已关注