请教 tapping 是什么? tap的意思太多了,用在不同场合有不同的意思。仪表上tap就有接头、取压口、取样口等多种意思。 the material shall be compatible with the process mediums and conditions and where two pressure instruments are on the same tapping point i.e. pressure switch and pressure gauge, each instrument shall be capable of removal leaving the other in service. 这里的tapping是取压的意思。 orifice flanges in horizontal runs shall utilize taps on the top for gas applications and on the side for liquids. 这里是取压口的意思 two (four on custody transfer meters and other meters, as identified specifically on the p&id’s) couplings shall be provided downstream of orifice meters for temperature/pressure taps 这里是开孔的意思,温度和压力。 jeff所举的意思既可以是取压元件,也可以是取压口。取压口/取压元件、传感器、变送器分离,到底是说要在不同地方取压呢,还是说这三个部件要分开?查看更多