精译求精 英译汉2013.3.4(周一)? "As a Beijing resident, I hope to have fresh air and blue skies, just like everyone else. To achieve that, the govern ment should further increase funds (to tackle the problem), introduce legislation, and solicit public and corporate involvement and contribution," Lyu told the press. 精译求精活动请注意: 1、回复之前请先阅读前面各位盖德的翻译,如果自己的翻译和前面某位盖德的翻译类似,则请不要发布雷同的翻译。 2、回帖不必隐藏,以便他人进行点评。 3、禁止发灌水贴,禁止人身攻击言语诽谤。 4、版主评分时以+5财富为基准,视回帖质量进行评分增减。鼓励大家给优秀的翻译和点评加分,但是禁止恶意互评。 5、欢迎广大盖德提出宝贵建议,可直接发站内消息给版主或本帖跟帖提出。 祝大家天天开心! 查看更多2个回答 . 3人已关注