cadworx 刚型长度超过限制? CADWorx Error Number 2013 CADWorx was unable to draw the last steel component. This error occurs because the AutoCAD solid modeling system could not create the steel shape at the location selected. Following might be the reasons: Coordinate Limits - Steel coordinate limits are -9,000,000 to 99,000,000 units. However, some steel shapes have limits that are much closer to the origin (0,0,0). Draw the steel components closer to the origin and move them to their final location. In imperial coordinates, the limit is approximately: -750,000 feet to 8,250,000 feet In metric coordinates, the limit is -9,000 meters to 99,000 meters Length Limits - Single straight beam length is limited to 500 feet (6000 inches) or 152 meters (152,400 millimeters). Curved Steel Limits - Curved steel beams might fail to draw if they are located too far away from the origin. Draw curved steel beams closer to the origin and move them to their final location. Zero Length Component - Attempted to create a component that has a zero length. Verify the above criteria in AutoCAD. If same issues persist, then it is an AutoCAD limitation. 公制长度明明画的6000,但是一直提示超过限制,难道是我默认单位调错了? 查看更多2个回答 . 2人已关注