Fortran子程序编译动力学的一个小问题? ASPEN中利用外接Fortran来编译动力学时,我需要物质的分压(气相),请问,Fortran中气相分压该如何表达? 以下一段是液相浓度的Fortran表达: C Calculate the liquid concentration of each component. CThe rate expression in this example is based on molar concentration. CThe component concentration can be calculated from mole fraction Cusing the molar density obtained from the liquid molar volume Cphysical property monitor (VOLL).The temperature and pressure Cwere passed to this routine through the PPROPS common.X, NCOMP, Cand IDX were obtained from the argument list.NBOPST is also Cobtained from the argument list.It contains the physical property Coption set that was defined for the block that is calling this routine. C C KV is set to 1 to specify that the only the property, VMX, be Ccalculated. VMX has m3/kgmol units. C=============================================================================== KV=1 CALL PPMON_VOLL ( TEMP, PRES , X , NCOMP , IDX, NBOPST, + KDIAG, KV, VMXL, DVMX, KER ) CAA=X(IPAA)/VMXL CETOH=X(IPETOH)/VMXL CETAC=X(IPETAC)/VMXL CH2O=X(IPH2O)/VMXL 请问这个VMXL是代表什么意思? 我想如果我用摩尔分率直接乘以总压,是不是就能得到分压的表达式?这样是否在Fortran中能用?查看更多0个回答 . 5人已关注