关于电化学测试回复的审稿意见?我之前投了一篇文章,现在审稿意见回来了。其中有两条意见,我不是很理解。 1. The CV experiments should be repeated because there is no good regtangular box shape plots 2. Full EIS plots should be given in the manscript. Because plot was not cutted in the manscript. 我的理解是:1. 重复 CV 测试 ,尽量得到矩形图形 ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?第二条意见不是很理解 有没有大神帮帮忙,非常感谢!!!查看更多3个回答 . 1人已关注
做超电的朋友过来看看,这句话该怎么理解?The discovery that ion desolvation occurs in pores smaller than the solvated ions has led to higher capacitance for electrochemical double layer capacitors using carbon electrodes with subnanometre pores, and opened the door to designing high-energy density devices using a variety of electrolytes.查看更多1个回答 . 7人已关注