机械密封术语英汉对照? 机械密封术语英汉对照 1.secondary sealing element 辅助密封, 一般指是橡胶材料 2.primary ring 动环 3.hardware 结构件 4.mating ring 静环 5.mechanical loading device 一般是指弹簧的材料 1.Type 密封类型 2.direction of the spring 弹簧旋向(RH-右旋,LH-左旋) 3.type of seat 静环形式(例如G9,G6,G60...) 4.combination of material 材料组合 a.rotary ring (primary ring ) 动环 b.stationary ring (mating ring ) 静环 c.secondary mech.seals 辅助密封一般指橡胶 d.spring e.other l parts 1. spring 2. shaft gasket 轴套 3. rotary ring 4. stationary ring 5. stationary gasket 静环垫圈 介绍常有的橡胶材料 1.丁晴橡胶 NBR--Nitrile butadiene rubber 2.乙丙橡胶 EPR/EPDM--ethylene propylene rubber 3.氟橡胶 FPM/FKM--fluoroelastomer 4.硅橡胶 MVQ--silicon rubber 5.氯丁橡胶 CR--neoprene/chloroprene rubber 6.氢化丁晴 HNBR--hydrogen NBR 7.全氟橡胶 Kalrez / FFKM --perfluorocarbon rubber 介绍四氟类材料 1.纯 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE--polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon和TEF也可以表达) 2.四氟填充玻璃纤维 glassfibre filled PTFE 3.四氟填充碳纤维 carbonfibre filled PTFE 4.四氟包覆氟橡胶 FPM coated PTFE 5.四氟包覆乙丙橡胶 EPDM coated PTFE 6.四氟包覆硅橡胶 MVQ coated PTFE 7.柔性石墨 fexible graphite, 像比较有名的是GRAFOIL™® fexible graphite 介绍国外客户常要的碳化硅(silicon carbide)材料 1.无压烧结碳化硅 sintered pressureless bonded sic (S-SIC) 2.无压烧结碳化硅镶装 shrink-fitted /inserted S-SIC 3.反应烧结碳化硅 sintered reaction bonded sic (R-SIC) 4.反应烧结碳化硅镶装 shrink-fitted /inserted R-SIC 5.表面硅化石墨 surface silicated sic 常用氧化铝材料: 1.含99%白色氧化铝.99% AL2O3 2.含95%白色氧化铝.95% AL2O3 3.金属陶瓷 cermet 石墨材料: 1.浸锑石墨 antimony filled carbon 2.浸巴氏合金石墨 carbon-graphite impregnated babbit 3.浸呋喃树脂石墨 carbon-graphite impregnated Furan resin 4.浸环氧树脂石墨 carbon-graphite impregnated Epoxy resin 5.浸酚醛树脂石墨 carbon-graphite Phenol Aldehyde resin 6.热压石墨,hot pressing carbon graphite stainless steel (S.S)--不锈钢--(国外客户经常需要的牌号是304,316,316L) Ni-resist iron = cast iron--高镍铸铁,现在客人对这个材料需要的比较多 Hast. alloy--合氏合金 AM350--沉淀硬化不锈钢 brass--黄铜 CDMCu--双相钢 (用在铸件上比较多) 械密封各个类型的英文表达方式, 我这里列出了34个机械密封分类术语... 1.机械端面密封-mechanical face seal 2.流体动压式机械密封-hydrodynamic mechanical seal 3.切向作用流体动压式机械密封-tangential acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 4.径向作用流体动压式机械密封-radial acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 5.流体静压式机械密封-hydrostatic mechanical seal 6.外加压流体静压式机械密封-outside pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal 7.自加压流体静压式机械密封-self pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal 8.非接触式密封-non contacting (free contacting) mechanical seal 9.内装式机械密封-internally mounted mechanical seal 10.外装式机械密封-externally mounted mechanical seal 11.弹簧内置式机械密封-mechanical seal with inside mounted spring 12.弹簧外置式机械密封-mechanical seal with outside mounted spring 13.背面高压式机械密封-mecanical seal with high back pressure 14.背面低压式机械密封-mechanical seal with low back pressure 15.内流式机械密封-mechanical seal with inward leakage 16.外流式机械密封-mechanical seal with outward leakage 17.弹簧旋转式机械密封-spring rotating mechanical seal 18.弹簧静止式机械密封-spring standing mechanical seal 19.单弹簧式机械密封-single-spring mechanical seal 20.多弹簧式机械密封-multiple-spring mechanical seal 21.非平衡式机械密封-unbalanced mechanical seal 22.平衡式机械密封-balanced mechanical seal 23.单端面机械密封-single mechanical seal 24. 双端面机械密封 -double mechanical seal 25.轴向双端机械密封-axial double mechanical seal 26.径向双端面机械密封-radial double mechanical seal 27.串联机械密封-tandem mechanical seal 28.橡胶 波纹管机械密封 -rubber-bellows mechanical seal 29.聚四氟乙烯波纹管机械密封-PTFE-bellows mechanical seal 30.金属波纹管机械密封-l bellows mechanical seal 31.焊接金属波纹管机械密封-welded l bellows mechanical seal 32.压力成型金属波纹管机械密封-formed l bellows mechanical seal 33.带浮动间隔环的机械密封-mechanical seal with floating intermediate ring 34.磁力机械密封-magnetic mechanical seal [ ]查看更多1个回答 . 5人已关注