动火作业灭火器应该放在那里? 灭火器应放在动火作业的现场,应摆放在显眼、无阻挡的地方,最好是在监护人的身边,如发生险情时监护人能迅速的取用灭火。查看更多
问一下哪家机构培训PROII比较好? 单位有个培训计划,想找一靠谱的培训机构,要开正规发票,想培训一下初级、中级知识,另外有一实际工程想老师带着模拟一下,有原始数据以及pfd.查看更多
催化裂化节能降耗技改? 投资变频泵,乏汽回收,机械抽真空,装置热联合,低温热利用,制冷媒水,蒸汽伴热改热水,低压降测量仪,高效旋分器等等。看你需要哪方面的。查看更多
怎样才能做好一个设备技术员? 很明显 找石化之类的书看啊 向别人请教最重要查看更多
热量跑哪里去了?(盐酸换热机组讨论,懂的帮忙分析下)? 热侧:93---45 冷侧:40---42 很正常啊?有什么不对的?? 热量不是以温度来计量的,它也是一种功,,,单位是焦耳。 q冷侧=q冷侧=cmδt 比热容c是一定的,冷侧的温升比热侧温升少很多,那肯定是冷侧的质量流量比热侧大很多啊查看更多
跨膜压差的来源是什么呢? 10# herozealot 请教一个问题: 我公司有一个小的mbr处理装置,有一段的流程如下:mbr池水--mbr膜---管路---mbr泵---氧化池。现在在这段管路靠近mbr泵的地方安装了一个真空表。想问一下这个真空表是否就是用来测膜压差的?是如何测的? 谢谢!查看更多
全介质管道管径、流速、温降、压降计算软件? 楼主是个有心人!!!查看更多
用氰化钠取代重氮盐反应该注意什么反应条件? (a) preparation of cuprous cyanide solution.—cuprous chloride prepared from 1250 g. (5 moles) of crystallized copper sulfate, according to the directions given on p. 170, is suspended in 2 l. of cold water in a 15-l. crock fitted with a mechanical stirrer. a solution of 650 g. (12.7–13 moles) of sodium cyanide (96–98 per cent) in 1 l. of water is added and the mixture stirred, whereupon the cuprous chloride enters into solution with considerable evolution of heat (note 1). the mixture is then cooled by surrounding the crock with cold water (note 2). (b) o-tolunitrile.—while the cuprous cyanide solution is cooling, 428 g. (427 cc., 4 moles) of o-toluidine is mixed in a 20-l. crock with 1 l. of commercial 28 per cent hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.14) and enough cracked ice, about 4 kg., to bring the temperature of the mixture to 0°. a solution of 280 g. (4.06 moles) of sodium nitrite in 800 cc. of water is added, with stirring, to the resulting suspension of o-toluidine hydrochloride, the temperature being kept at 0–5° by the addition of cracked ice. the addition of the nitrite occupies about fifteen minutes; at the end of the operation, the mixture must show a distinct and permanent reaction for free nitrous acid on testing with starch-iodide paper (note 3). the final volume of the solution is 5–6 l. the mixture is now cautiously neutralized by adding dry sodium carbonate with constant stirring, using litmus paper to determine the end-point; about 200 g. of the anhydrous carbonate is required (note 4). the cold cuprous cyanide solution is now chilled to 0–5° by the addition of ice, and 1 l. of benzene (note 5) is poured on the surface. to this mixture is slowly added the cold neutralized diazonium solution. during the addition, which occupies about thirty minutes, such vigorous stirring is maintained that the benzene on the surface is constantly drawn to the stirrer, and the temperature is maintained at 0–5° by occasionally adding ice. as soon as the diazonium solution comes into contact with the cuprous cyanide, a dark yellow, oily precipitate is formed which at once begins to give off nitrogen; the resulting nitrile is taken up by the benzene as soon as it is formed (note 6). when all has been added, the temperature is held at 0–5° for thirty minutes longer, and then is allowed to rise to that of the room (20–25°), which usually requires about three hours. after stirring has been continued for two hours longer, the crock is surrounded by hot water or steam and warmed to 50° without stirring. the mixture is then allowed to stand until cool, when the aqueous layer is drawn off by means of a siphon. the upper oily layer is transferred to a 12-l. flask and distilled in a current of steam until no more oil passes over; about 10 l. of distillate is collected (note 7). the water is drawn off and the benzene removed by distillation, by means of a 2-l. round-bottomed flask and a fractionating column about 90 cm. long. when benzene no longer distils over, the distillation is continued in the same apparatus under reduced pressure, and the fraction that boils at 94–96°/20 mm. is collected. a small amount of dark-colored residue remains in the flask. the yield of almost colorless o-tolunitrile is 300–330 g. (64–70 per cent of the theoretical amount). (c) p-tolunitrile.—p-tolunitrile can be prepared in exactly the same manner from p-toluidine; the product, which distils at 104–106°/20 mm., solidifies in the receiver to a mass of nearly colorless needles which melt at 25–27°. the yield is the same as with the ortho compound (note 8). 2. notes 1. if desired, the cuprous chloride may be suspended in 3 l. of water and the sodium cyanide added in the solid form. 2. if several runs are to be made it may be more convenient to prepare a large quantity of cuprous cyanide solution, since this appears to be stable for several days. 3. if the sodium nitrite is not of the highest technical purity it may be necessary to employ more than the indicated quantity. it is essential that the test for nitrous acid be permanent; if any unchanged amine remains, a precipitate of the diazoamino compound is formed on neutralization. a moderate excess of nitrite does not appear to interfere with the reaction, especially since the greater portion of the free nitrous acid is removed by the carbon dioxide liberated on neutralization. 4. sodium carbonate is preferable to sodium hydroxide because very little heat is evolved on neutralization. a slight excess of carbonate does not appear to be harmful. 5. it is suggested that 1 l. of toluene be used instead of benzene. since the benzene freezes at 0° to 4° it does not extract the nitrile until it melts much later in the procedure. (r. l. shriner, private communication.) 6. it is essential that the stirring be very vigorous. if the intermediate addition compound is allowed to collect on the surface of the liquid, it decomposes spontaneously with the evolution of much heat; this decomposition may take place with almost explosive violence. the presence of the benzene tends to diminish the viscosity of the intermediate product and permit it to be readily distributed throughout the mixture. decomposition is quite rapid at 0° and is practically complete when room temperature is reached; it appears, however, to be advisable to warm the mixture to 50°, since if this is omitted the yield is slightly decreased. 7. the apparatus described on p. 479 is suitable for the steam distillation. 8. the product, as obtained in the above procedure, is of high purity; cresols do not appear to be formed under the conditions specified. the process has the advantage over that described in the literature1 of giving rise to no poisonous fumes during the formation of the cuprous cyanide and during the interaction of this with the diazonium salt. the yield is practically the same as in the older method. preparation of cuprous chloride solution (note 1).—a solution of 1250 g. (5 moles) of crystallized copper sulfate and 325 g. (5.6 moles) of sodium chloride in 4 l. of hot water is prepared in a 12-l. flask. the flask is fitted with a mechanical stirrer, and an alkaline solution of sodium sulfite (265 g. of sodium bisulfite and 175 g. of sodium hydroxide in 2 l. of water) is added during a period of five to ten minutes. the mixture is allowed to cool to room temperature and washed by decantation. the cuprous chloride is obtained as a white powder, which, however, darkens on exposure to the air. [此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-20 21:25:47编辑过] 查看更多
液氨储罐使用的材质? 从厚度方面考虑经济性,用16mnr好一些,因为16mnr应力高,厚度较薄。但是从腐蚀方面考虑,用20r更好,因为液氨产生应力腐蚀,在有应力腐蚀存在的情况下,低应力材料比高应力材料更有优势。 [ ]查看更多
MTBE合成中催化精馏与共沸精馏有什么不同? 回复 1# 池荷衣 催化蒸馏塔中继续填装催化剂,反应物在塔中继续反映,能够增加异丁烯的转化率,在mtbe生产量大的情况下异丁烯转化率高,现在有两种催化蒸馏塔,一种是使用散装催化剂,是齐鲁石化研究院的技术,不过设计费用高,使用催化剂费用低。一种是反应塔式催化蒸馏塔,大部分设计院能够设计,不过使用催化剂捆包,这个设计费用低,使用催化剂捆包费用高。 共沸蒸馏塔中只能提纯,没有反映过程,这样在反应物量大的情况下异丁烯转化率不是很理想。 我公司现在生产齐鲁石化研究院的d006型大孔强酸阳离子交换树脂,许多厂家使用效果良好。qq:793802691 欢迎前来询问。查看更多
苯酐分离中重组分指得是什么,在ProII中怎么表达? 你在分离的第几步了 ? 看你分离的产物中塔顶和塔底的成分,去塔底的为重关键组分,height key查看更多
转化催化剂还原疑问? 都是摩尔比的,水质量换成摩尔,是除以分子量就可以查看更多
提升一下硫磺回收行业的人气? 我也来提升一下人气 加油查看更多
甲醇洗中是否需要含有氨? 工艺其中必然含有少量的氨,在热再生上可以再生后冷却生成碳铵结晶堵塞管道,而且在溶液中生成硫化铵降低了硫化氢的吸收量,含有少量的氨是可以降低吸收液的酸性,但是影响吸收喧宾夺主了。查看更多
做为空分主操你如何判断分子筛的加热再生是否彻底? 每种分子筛要求的再生温度不一样,比如条形的就要比球形的低一些,冷吹峰值并不是固定的查看更多
如何做好EPC项目的材料控制? 如果你是大公司问题很好解决,多买点也不要紧,下次还有可能用到; 如果是小公司,同类的产品下一次还不知啥时候用的上,建议lz单位与建设方签订一份补充合同,专业性的备品备件不妨多买一些,防止不够用,(二次采购成本较大)剩下的原价转让给建设方,反正他们以后也要采购,两全其美。通用性备件无所谓,增加5%的采购量即可。量大价格低,最后多余的卖废品都划算。查看更多
有没有哪位高手熟悉这种切粒机? 楼上的,你好,我们用的也是科倍隆的,能不能告诉我 怎样解决块料问题, 这个应该是水温太高,或者模板温度太高了吧,颗粒产生粘连了 查看更多
窄点技术应用举例? 这个技术,我接触已快二十年了,但我认为主要都是设计单位在使用,对于生产装置,设备固定,没有使用的地方 ... 第一次听说有“0-1指数法”,请问能讲讲是怎么回事吗? 查看更多
关于火焰探测器的设置? 目前没有这个规定,就是有火灾危险的地方都要设!查看更多
职称英语的有效期是多长时间? 上海b级三年,a级四年。 各地区都有所不同。查看更多
职业:上海平创化工科技有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:信阳师范学院 - 化学化工学院
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