请教给位大神中试批,验证批,和之后实际生产批批量及设备,试验地点的问题? 我公司现准备报一个6类的片剂,GMP车间过了GMP的设备最小生产量是60kg,为了成本考虑,我中试只想做个几公斤。看了网上大神些说的中试和验证批是可以合到一起的,但是我中试做几公斤的话用的设备只能是小型的设备,不可能是生产用的过了GMP的设备的。那问题就出来了: 1、这样的中试是不是可以不用在GMP车间或者符合GMP的环境下做? 2、这个中试出来的产品是不是不能用来同步验证,也就是中试和验证是不是不能合到一起? 3、验证是必须在GMP车间使用过了GMP的生产设备生产吗或者说必须跟以后生产使用相同的设备吗?那样的话我的验证批批量就太大了 4、这样的中试可以用来做稳定性数据么?还是用验证批做稳定性数据?查看更多 11个回答 . 20人已关注
求助 PDB数据库中质子泵抑制剂的市场? 求助 上海医工院 PDB数据库 质子泵 抑制剂 的市场,详细一些,金币不够可再追加查看更多 1个回答 . 14人已关注
目前关于利拉鲁肽的仿制(化学合成法制备原料药)? 给些建议吧,谈谈自己的观点。欢迎讨论! 原研公司应该采用的是发酵的方法获得的 原料药 或 中间体 。生物方法制备原料药的工艺摸索难度大吗?一般多久能搞定?查看更多 33个回答 . 10人已关注
求纳米级介孔二氧化硅合成方面的解疑? 各位师兄师姐你们好,我想合成水合粒径在200nm以下的MSN,这是我现在采用的方法,原先师兄也是用的这个方法,合成的水合粒径在140nm这样,可是我重复不出来,而且越做越差,因为这位师兄已经毕业有几年了,很多细节都想不起来了,所以希望论坛里的各位大牛可以帮我看一看。 实验方法:将0.96 g 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵 (CTAB)溶解在480 ml H2O中,加入3.5 ml 2M NaOH,80°C下搅拌30 min,然后加入4.67 g正 硅酸乙酯 (TEOS),将此 混合物 在80°C下搅拌2 h,将所得产物离心(7000rpm,10min),用H2O洗涤3次,乙醇洗涤3次,在乙醇-浓盐酸体系中回流5h,重复两次去除模板剂,最后在50℃真空干燥收产物。 ①我慢慢注意到TEOS的滴加速度好像挺重要的,原先我是很慢很慢的滴加,大概在30min加完,可是测得粒径都是微米级的了,最近的一次改为快速滴加 大概6min加完,粒径降到了400nm,我在想要不要把TEOS的滴加速度再加快呢?? ②搅拌速度应该要多快,我之前用的600rpm,得到的产物是白色沉淀,然后用了900rpm(大于900的话容器里会产生大量泡沫),得到的白色产物悬浮在液面上方,这样的话正常吗? ③师兄师姐你们还能看出来我的实验哪里还有问题,或者细节方面需要注意吗? 我知道大家都很忙,能注意到我的问题就很不容易了,路过的师兄师姐伸出援手,我不胜感激!!! 最后祝大家研究生涯能少遇到一些麻烦,mmp 太心累了(我金币好像就这么多了 对不起)查看更多 10个回答 . 10人已关注
流速改变需要重新做方法验证吗? 我们研发的新药测定含量原来是用的1ml/min,最后改成了0.8ml/min ,需要重新做方法学验证吗查看更多 3个回答 . 15人已关注
谁能帮忙查一下trelagliptin和mk3102的这两个药物的汤姆森数据,急用? 谁能帮忙查一下trelagliptin和mk3102的这两个药物的汤姆森数据,急用,请把查询结果发到我的邮箱里,306412239@qq.com, 893927534@qq.com 急用,请帮忙,非常的感谢,查看更多 1个回答 . 8人已关注
谁能帮我用pharmaproject 或 Thomson Pharma 数据库查两个药的注册情况? 依折麦布 片:Ezetimibe 头孢地尼 干混悬:cefdinir (for suspension) 急需啊,谢谢了。 尤其是欧洲的。查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
CDE化药共性问题解答? CDE化药共性问题解答查看更多 2个回答 . 13人已关注
求肠溶制剂 和 缓释制剂的药学申报资料模板 CTD? 各位好友: 本人 刚刚参加药物注册申报工作,求一份肠溶制剂 和 缓释制剂的药学申报资料模板CTD,供自己学习一下流程,最好是关于一个具体药物的具体申报资料,不胜感激,非常感谢各位大侠的好意,非常感谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢。查看更多 9个回答 . 3人已关注
China’s Pharmaceutical Future – Both Complex and Growing? China’s Pharmaceutical Future – Both Complex and Growing Posted on June 5, 2015 by FDA Voice By: Howard Sklamberg, Richard Moscicki, M.D., and Alonza Cruse A visit to any one of the cities we visited on this trip – Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing – would leave anyone marveling at the scale and trajectory of modern China. But it’s not just the sheer size of the population we were struck by. Rather, it was the seemingly tireless dedication to modernity that provided an almost palpable affirmation of what we already knew: that China — its skylines dotted with construction cranes and landscapes crisscrossed by high speed bullet trains — is inextricably connected with our own country’s economy, and increasingly with our agency’s ever-expanding regulatory mission. Howard Sklamberg Howard Sklamberg, FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Global Regulatory Operations and Policy We traveled to China for a few reasons. First, we wanted to gain more on-the-ground insight into how its drug industry works. We also wanted to offer some helpful perspective to Chinese regulators and drug companies about the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), which passed three years ago and is in the process of being fully implemented. In part, the law gave the FDA new authorities to ensure the safety of the global drug supply chain, in which China plays an enormous part. How enormous? After the United States, China ranks second for the number of FDA-registered drug establishments that the agency regulates, and is the sixth largest provider of drugs and biologics to the U.S. Our itinerary also included a meeting with the Chinese Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and a tour of a Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. And if you asked us what the most important by-product of our trip has been, it was these face-to-face conversations with our Chinese counterparts. Specifically, we discussed the responsibilities of firms in the global drug supply chain. These days, the drugs we have in our medicine chests may seemingly come from one company, but the ingredients in them may actually come from numerous companies and countries. China is a major provider of many of the active ingredients in finished drug products Americans rely on every day. Dr. Richard Moscicki Richard Moscicki, M.D., FDA’s Deputy Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research We had productive discussions with the Chinese about how seriously we are committed to making sure that everyone in the drug supply chain – from the companies that make the active ingredients to those that provide the packaging –shares in this collective commitment to quality. As we did when we spoke with our counterparts in India, we stressed that we apply the same quality and data integrity standards to all countries shipping drug ingredients into the United States. We delivered the same message to a huge crowd of students at an event hosted by China’s Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing. In our remarks, we set forth our expectations for the delivery of drug quality, saying: “…ideally, our approach will complement the baseline, legal requirement of compliance with the higher bar of firms’ self-interest in being recognized for providing quality products and engaging in a different way with FDA.” While in Nanjing, we had productive discussions with students and stakeholders about FDASIA, quality in contract manufacturing, inspections, regulatory science, and expedited approval pathways that FDA is using to accelerate the process for making novel drugs available to patients. Additionally, we toured a Chinese pharmaceutical facility and met with CFDA to discuss the revision of China’s Drug Administration Law, our own FDASIA implementation, regulatory science matters, as well as continued collaborative activities. We also had a productive roundtable discussion with leaders from 17 prominent Chinese pharmaceutical companies. We addressed pharmaceutical quality, data integrity, and the approval process for generic and innovator drugs. Alonza Cruse Alonza Cruse, FDA’s Acting Director, Pharmaceutical Quality Program, Office of Regulatory Affairs As China’s role on the global stage expands, FDA has significantly increased drug and medical device inspections there, but we need to continue to strengthen our efforts. The Office of Regulatory Affairs and our China office have managed a large number of pharmaceutical inspections. The FDA’s office in China has also strengthened relationships with regulators and helped expand the country’s expertise in regulatory operations. And we have worked with industry and academia to explain our regulations and analyze trends and events that might affect the safety of FDA-regulated products exported from China to the U.S. Given the volume of U.S. trade with China, we are working to expand our presence there to significantly increase the number of inspections we conduct. Staffing increases will allow FDA to enhance its training efforts and technical collaboration with Chinese regulators, industry and others. In fact, in November 2014, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese government that expands our cooperation and will facilitate those staffing increases. FDA’s priorities in China match its global priorities: we work to ensure the safety and efficacy of FDA-regulated products. China’s size and relentlessly expanding economy have an increasingly significant impact on the products that Americans consume, particularly pharmaceuticals. We trust our trip to China added to the growing collaboration between FDA and our counterpart agencies there, ensuring the safety of the pharmaceutical products exchanged between our two nations. Howard Sklamberg is FDA’s Deputy Commissioner, Global Regulatory Operations and Policy Richard Moscicki, M.D., is FDA’s Deputy Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Alonza Cruse is FDA’s Acting Director, Pharmaceutical Quality Program, Office of Regulatory Affairs查看更多 1个回答 . 7人已关注
求助头孢呋辛酯片USP39标准? 求助 头孢呋辛酯 片USP39标准,不甚感激 Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
求喜辽妥的进口质量标准。谢谢? 如题,求喜辽妥(多磺酸粘 多糖 )的进口质量标准。谁能帮助下,或者给点途径也行。求大神!!谢谢查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
填料粒子? 求教大神,有没有与常规溶剂相容性好的填料。 查看更多 1个回答 . 14人已关注
利培酮标准? 求助, 利培酮 原料药 标准YBH03392010,谢谢给位啦!查看更多 1个回答 . 12人已关注
有谁做过孟鲁斯特纳的吗?可以给小弟一些指导吗?? 有谁做过 孟鲁斯特纳 的吗??可以给小弟一些指导吗??本人QQ2378193508,谢谢大侠赐教查看更多 2个回答 . 17人已关注
求指导一个反应机理? 有没有大神指导一下,下图中的反应机理,及反应注意事项,我用DMF做溶剂,1eq原料A,3eqNaH,5eq原料B,105度反应12h,为什么得不到产物啊,核磁很乱,点板子都是拖尾的,朋友们帮下忙 )[A}UJM9LC2{8KWJ)I)NDW2.png查看更多 6个回答 . 6人已关注
氧化铈XPS分峰求助? 有做过 氧化铈 XPS分峰的吗,不知道怎么分,求助各路好心人 查看更多 11个回答 . 12人已关注
求EP9.0的DL? 求EP9.0的DL-Methionine原文标准查看更多 2个回答 . 12人已关注
分离黄酮类化合物和糊精,大孔树脂分离等问题请教? 反应液中有黄酮类化合物, 麦芽糊精 ,水做反应体系,如何分离麦芽糊精和化合物呢?麦芽糊精极易溶于水,化合物相对较不易容于水,只溶于甲醇乙醇,找不到合适的 萃取剂 ,求大神指点,,另外问可以用 大孔树脂 过柱来把麦芽糊精除去吗?不太懂大孔树脂过柱的原理查看更多 5个回答 . 3人已关注
HSQC二维核磁谱怎么积分,如何内标法相对定量? 我做的方向是 木质素 类的,要用到HSQC二维核磁谱分析木质素结构,但是一直没有掌握对谱图的分析方法,请各位大神指教,最好有详细的说明或者讲解。查看更多 10个回答 . 4人已关注
职业:上海平创化工科技有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:信阳师范学院 - 化学化工学院
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