请前辈测评操作规程翻译水平? PURPOSE : 目的 : This document describes general guidelinesfor prepare the nitrogen bed for regeneration after a catalyst change. GENERAL: Thisdocument describes general guidelines for prepare the nitrogen bed forregeneration after a catalyst change. 本文档描述的是用于催化剂转变后再生氮床制备的一般指引。 GENERAL : 通则 : Asno hydrocarbons are present, neither preloading nor regeneration of bed prior todumping the bed is required. 由于没有碳氢化合物存在,在氮床倾倒前,需要进行预充装或再生处理。 ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND SAFETY : 环保、健康与安全 : Theunit nitrogen systems must be protected from contamination. Contamination of the nitrogen supplyheader with water, oxygen, or hydrocarbons can result in potentially hazardoussituations, especially during purification bed regeneration steps, in equipmentpurging, or various process steps. 必须保护氮气系统单元以免受污染。氮气供应源头带有的水、氧、氮,或其他碳氢化合物的污染,尤其是在碳氢化合物净化、设备吹扫及其他各种过程步骤中,能够诱使潜在的危险状况发生。 Nitrogenis an asphyxiant: Ensure adequateventilation is available. Displaywarning signs at all locations where nitrogen is being purged to theatmosphere. Barricade area per O2 deficientatmosphere policy during purging. Nitrogenis considered to be inert, but a vessel purged with nitrogen must be purgedsufficiently with air before a physical entry. 氮 气 是窒息性 的,要 确保有足够的通风可用。在 氮气吹扫出大气中的所有位置点,放置 警告标志。 吹扫 过程中 每个氧气不足区域要采取挡隔措施 。氮 气虽属 惰性, 但进入罐体开展 氮气吹扫 前 ,必须 先充入 足够的空气。 Acontrolled hydration by injecting steam at 2 mole % is required prior toopening the vessel. Exposure to moisture in the air will heat up the mole sieveand it could become an ignition source. 在开 罐 前 通过注入 2% 摩尔蒸汽 来 控制水 合作用 。 分子筛会因暴露于 空气中的水 汽而 升温, 并 可能成为一个 着 火源。 MP-67 Streams venting to the Flare must haveless than 3 mole % oxygen concentration. [url=]Specialattention must be given to returning equipment to service that was opened tothe atmosphere.[/url] The 3 mole % limit is based on the oxygen LEL for hydrogen. 火炬排放流中含氧浓度必须低于 3 %摩尔。特别要注意,这部分氧气必须注入回程设备,以补充排放至空气中的部分。 3% 摩尔限制是基于氧气在氢气中的爆 zha下限。 This standard does not apply to smallequipment returned to service that was opened for maintenance as this equipmentdoes not contain enough oxygen. This standard only applies to equipment openedfor maintenance if the equipment volume is greater than 20.9 cubic feet for aflare with a 12 inch riser. 因 维修 而无法保证有 足够氧气 的 小 型 设备 的恢复性使用,本标准并不适用 。本标准只适用于,体积大于 带 12 英寸 立管的 20.9 立方英尺火炬 的一类设备的维修。 For larger flares, use thisformula: 对更大的火炬,使用以下公式: Equipment volume >(diameter of flare riser in inches/12”)3 x 20.9 (MP-67) 设备体积>(火炬立管英寸直径/12”)×20.9(MP-67) MP-50 Whilepurging vessels, the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure of the vessel must notbe exceeded. Vessel rupture is possible if pressure exceeds twice MaximumAllowable Working Pressure. Potential tank over pressure could result in afatality or life threatening injury. Extreme care must be taken when using N2hoses for purging. (MP-50) 进行罐体吹扫 时, 不得超过 最大允许工作压力。如果压力超过最大允许工作压力 的两倍 , 罐体将有可能 破裂。 潜在的 罐 体 的压力 过大 可能会导致 伤 亡。使用氮气软管进行 吹扫 时,必须采取 谨慎 的 保护措施 。( MP-50 ) MP-12 During hot bolting, the internal vesseltemperature must be kept below the auto ignition temperature of allhydrocarbons within a 50 feet radius. Re-insulation must be completed before the vessel temperature is takenabove the auto ignition temperature of all hydrocarbons within a 50 feetradius. (MP-12) 铆接 热螺栓 时 , 罐体 内部温度必须保持低于 50 英尺半径内的所有碳氢化合物的自动点火温度。在 罐体 温度 上升至 50 英尺半径范围内所有碳氢化合物的自动点火温度 前, 必须 完成再 绝缘 处理 。( MP-12 ) SPECIAL TOOLS AND MATERIALS : 特殊工具和材料: Monogoggles,leather, rubber or plastic gloves and a respirator with the appropriate dustcartridge. Referto maintenance procedures for tools and equipment required for catalyst changeout。 护目镜 ,皮革,橡胶或塑料手套 以及 一个 装有合适 除尘滤筒 的 呼吸器。 Refer to maintenance procedures for tools andequipment required for catalyst change out 参考更换 催化剂 所需 工具和设备的保养程序 。 PROCEDURE: 程序: 1. Preparations: 准备: 1.1 Ensureall maintenance work is complete and Red Tag Master is ready to be cleared. 确保所有维修工作完成 ,并摘除隔离锁。 1.2 Ensurea Return to Service Checklist is completed by maintenance. 确保返回到服务检查表完成维护 。 PROCEDURE: (cont’d) 程序:(续) 2. Purge and Low Pressure Leak Check the Nitrogen Bed cont’d) 氮床吹扫和低压查漏:(续) 2.1 Hookup a Nitrogen hose to the regeneration Nitrogen inlet double valve and vent,vent valve. 将氮气软管连接到再生氮 入口 双阀和排气 阀。 MP-50 2.2 SlowlyPressure the bed to between 350 and 400 kPag and leak check. Repair all leaks.(MP-50)缓慢增压至350~400千帕 范围内,查漏,然后修复所有泄漏。(MP-50) 2.3 Close the Nitrogen supply.关断氮气供应。 2.4 Use[url=]snoop and leak[/url] check all fittings and flanges on theNitrogen bed. Repair any leaks as required.使用内窥镜和检漏器检查氮床上的所有接头和法兰。根据需要修复任何泄漏。 2.5 Vent the pressure to the atmosphere将压力排放至空气中。 MP-67 Note: Be sure valve to theFlare is closed, do not get air into the Flare header. Maximum Oxygen limit inFlare header is 3 mol%. (MP-67) 注意:确保阀门到火炬是关断的,不能让空气进入火炬头。火炬头里的最大氧气上限是 3 %摩尔。 (MP-67) 2.6 Repeat steps 2.2 to 2.5 two more times toremove the air from the system.重复步骤2.2至2.5两次,以移除系统中的空气。 2.7 Disconnect the[url=]utility hose[/url] .断开公共软管。 3. High Pressure Leak Check: 高压查漏: MP-50 3.1 Ensurethe blind to the regeneration nitrogen header is in the closed position as theregeneration nitrogen heater and header is not rated for High Pressure. (MP-50)确保盲板至再生氮头段在关闭位置,因再生氮头和 加热器 不具备承受高压的能力。 3.2 Use high pressure instrument tubing androute high pressure nitrogen from a vent on the inlet to the Nitrogen dryer tothe vent on the Nitrogen bed regeneration nitrogen inlet line.使用高压仪表管,将高压氮从入口处的排气口布线至氮气干燥机,并通气至氮床再生氮入口处的管线。 3.3 Slowly pressure up the Nitrogen bed tofull high pressure nitrogen header pressure.缓慢往氮床增压,直至氮气头的许用最高压力。 3.4 Isolate and disconnect the high pressuretubing. 隔离并断开高压管。 3.5 Ensure all open ended vents are plugged.确保接入所有开放式通风口。 3.6 Use snoop and leak check all flanges andfittings. Fix any leaks as required.使用内窥镜和检漏器检查所有接头和法兰。根据需要修复任何泄漏。 3.7 Put the insulation blankets or temporaryinsulation on all exposed piping and vessels nozzles.在所有暴露在外的管口和罐体喷嘴处,覆盖防火毯或作其他临时隔离。 MP-12 Note:This is required so hot bolting can be done later but exposed surfacetemperatures must not exceed 250°C as this is the auto ignition temperature ofhexene. Re-insulation must be completed beforethe vessel temperature is taken above the auto ignition temperature of allhydrocarbons within a 50 feet radius. (MP12) 注: 为后续铆接热螺栓,必须采取本项措施 , 且 暴露的 表面温度 不能超过 乙 烯的自燃温度 ,即 250 ℃。 在罐体温度上升至 50 英尺半径范围内所有碳氢化合物的自动点火温度前,必须完成再绝缘处理 。 3.8 [url=]Finish the Return to service checklist[/url] 完成返回检查清单作业。 3.9 Regenerate the Nitrogen Bed as peroperating procedure.按操作程序重启氮床。 Note: MP refersto Mandatory Procedure and RP refers to Recommended Procedure consistent withLayers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) as explained in the Process Design DataReport volume of the PDPs 注: PDPS的 工艺设计数据报告 本中, MP 是指强制性程序 , RP 是指与保护分析( LOPA )层一致 的 推荐程序 。 AUTHOR : 编制: ______________________ ISSUE DATE : 发布日期 __________________ REVISED BY : 修改: _______________ LAST REVISED DATE : 最后修改日期 __________________ REVIEWED BY 审核 : ________________ NEXT REVIEW DATE : 下次审核日期 __________________ 查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注
footprint area在分离器中怎么翻译? 请问各位 The vertical design reduces footprint area, yet has the ability to handle high liquid loads and even liquid slugs. 怎么翻译? 这句话是在 气液分离器 中看到的,不懂什么意思。查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注