关于垫片和螺栓连接? 5.1.1 flanges shall be faced for a confined gasket joint, either tongue and groove, or standard tema confined joint, unless specified otherwise. 法兰面应与限位垫片相配,或为榫槽式,或为标准tema限制性连接,另有规定时除外。---总觉得英文怪怪的,应该是法兰面型式决定垫片型式吧? 5.1.2 all bolted joints for shells, channels and covers shall be of the through-bolt joint construction , except that above 105 kg/cm2 design pressure studded-in channel covers are acceptable. 壳体、管箱及管箱盖板上的所有螺栓连接均应为贯穿式螺栓连接,上述设计压力为105 kg/cm2的管箱盖板可在其上钻(螺栓)孔时除外。---不明白这个除外的情况到底怎样? 有图纸吗?查看更多