Bandelin Sonorex bath 是个什么设备? Six grams of Al2O3 (Johnson Matthey) trilobe-shaped catalyst supports were added to the solution and it was mixed for 2 h using a Bandelin Sonorex bath at 27℃. 这是 催化剂 制备方法,不知道Bandelin Sonorex bath 对应国内的什么 实验设备 ?查看更多11个回答 . 3人已关注
组分某物性缺失是什么意思? *** error *** Liquid thermal conductivity correlation data is required but missing for component 15. *** error *** Liquid thermal conductivity correlation data is required but missing for component 18. *** error *** Transport property methods requiring certain pure component properties are specified, but those properties are not available for some components as listed above. Transport properties are only required for certain transport calculations such as column hydraulics, rate based distillation, rigorous heat exchangers and pipe unit operations. You may turn off transport calculations for this simulation if they are not being used. 如上所示是运行时checkdata出现的错误提示,定义组分时,组分15和18明明是Pro2自带数据库里的组分,怎么会提示缺失液相热导率数据呢?碰到这种情况该怎么办? 请各位赐教,谢谢!查看更多13个回答 . 1人已关注