丙酮离心问题? 火灾爆炸的成因三因素 空气(氧) 点火源 可燃物 衬塑离心机难于导静电,看来多都采用降低氧含量的方法 查文献时看到一篇离心机惰化的文献 根据不同的危险等级采用不同设计,比较详细。丙酮闪点-18度,应低于操作温度,如果还经常开盖、通风不好 就属于高危了。按文中所说,此时需要完全密闭正压保护。中等和高度危险环境需要监测氧含量。这种投资较大,氧含量检测仪大概一万块一套,可以买来自己装,要看承受能力了,不行就一直充氮气了。 ?risk level handling of flammable substances high ploughing centrifuges handling liquids at temperatures near to or above their flash points that may be opened frequently where pyrophoric substances are present centrifuges handling low flash point liquids in confined spaces medium centrifuges handling liquids at temperatures normally below the flash point but that require frequent opening for product removal, cleaning, or inspection centrifuges handling liquids near to or above their flash point that are infrequently opened continuous centrifuges processing flammable liquids at temperatures well below their flash points low centrifuges handling liquids normally below the flash point that are opened only infrequently centrifuges handling solids and liquids normally below the flash point where arrangements for product removal have been made that avoid frequent admission of air查看更多