潜热到底怎么翻译? 术语学习:凝结潜热:水蒸汽被冷凝成同等温度的水所释放出热量。 english definition: latent heat of condensation the amount of heat energy release to the environment when a gas changes its state to a liquid. for one gram of water, the amount of heat energy released is 540 calories at a temperature of 100 degrees celsius. 讨论:“凝结潜热”是水蒸汽所固有的,而不是在由于冷凝而产生的,但它会在冷凝过程中释放出来。 ....严防“水蒸汽凝结潜热”的损失,“水蒸汽凝结潜热”作为一个词来处理。 .......to prevent the latent heat of condensation from losing.查看更多