aspen版本冲突问题? 本人电脑上安装的是ASPEN7.0版本的软件,可为什么发过来的7.2版本却无法打开。 显示如下内容:The following errors were encountered reading from a backup file: This file was created with a newer version (23.0) of Aspen Plus and is not compatible with the current version (22.0). Open backup failed due to error shown above. The data for current run may be corrupted 请教如何解决。查看更多5个回答 . 4人已关注
这段招投标文件的话应该怎么翻译比较地道? Provision of technical assistance to the OWNER for the arrangement of grant of rights,technical know how and Licenses. All agreements with the selected Licensors will be made directly by the BASIC DESIGNER for grant of license and performing basic design for licensed units. All rights respected to those licenses will be transferred to the OWNER in accordance with terms and conditions. O(∩_∩)O谢谢 查看更多11个回答 . 1人已关注
应力分析不了? 这种情况提示是本次计算和上一次计算约束有变化,如果你前面运行过模型后面修改了再次运行有时会有这个提示。如果因为增加弹簧出现一个对话框,点下 Let caesar2 recommend the load cases to run就可以了。 如果不是,请贴图。查看更多5个回答 . 3人已关注