对于电池电源的发展前途? 锂可不是 重金属 ,而且电池目前发展到了瓶颈,人们的思维还局限在原来的概念,等突破了可能就会发现现在都是杞人忧天,我有感觉电池的突破在空间存储上查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
高压静电除尘器为什么要改为布袋除尘器? 高压静电除尘器 为什么要改为布袋除尘器   现在,绝大大都环保行业工程师会赞同滤布过滤技能比静电除尘技能更具有优胜性.因而,目前全世界装置的绝大大都新的收尘器为袋过滤收尘器(袋式除尘器),袋式除尘器和静电除尘器比拟有以下几点首要优势:效率更高(排放更低);维护削减(部件,人力);可在线维护(当袋除尘器被分仓隔离时)对进口粉尘的性质转变空无太准确的限制要求;可处置添加的通风量;当工艺情况改动时,可以改动过滤介质.静电除尘器改为 脉冲布袋除尘器 . 单机除尘器   但是,电除尘器革新不克不及胜任一些因为粉尘太细使电除尘器不轻易搜集,粉尘比电阻太高或许导电性太好使粉尘不轻易坚持较好的荷电,然后使电除尘器不克不及很好地对粉尘进行搜集的场所.对这些工况,运用袋式过滤技能是一种较好的选择.袋式除尘器的首要长处是降低排放浓度,跟着全球空气质量规范越来越严厉,烟囱的粉尘排放在决议粉尘收尘系统时成为越来越主要的影响要素.很多电除尘器设计不克不及简略地到达所需十分低的排放程度,电除尘器革新能有用降调慧尘排放浓度,被以为是一种可行的方案. 导热油泵   当含粉尘气体被指导经过过滤元件(除尘布袋)时,净化的气体穿透过滤元件,进入净气室(花板上面局部),粉尘则被捕集在过滤元件的外侧.洁净的气体从净气室经由风机的指导从烟囱排出.含粉尘气体进入袋除尘器后,经由导琉板散布导向过滤元件.进口部位的效果是降低进入粉尘的运转速度,并应用重力道理使大颗粒的粉尘直接沉降,然后发生抵达过滤元件平衡散布的气琉.如许可使粉尘气琉不会对过滤元件发生过多的磨损. 单机除尘器系列   脉冲式袋除尘器比其他清灰方法的袋除尘器有以下几点优势:脉冲式袋除尘器可制造得很紧凑,外形尺寸可多种多样.设备所包罗的运动部件数目较少,这些部件中的脉冲喷吹阀能够需求进行维护或改换,因为这些运动部件大多位于袋除尘器箱体外部,非常便利进行维护,改换.过滤元件既可在净气室进行装置(从上面将其装入除尘器),也可在含尘室进行装置(在除尘器下部进行装置),传统的脉冲喷吹式袋除尘器采用滤袋和带有金属文丘里(用于从喷吹管中指导洁净的紧缩空气)的骨架,现代的新型袋除尘器采纳将传统的滤袋和骨架组组成滤料,骨架一体型的褶式过滤元件来替代传统滤袋,褶式过滤元件可用来进步总的过滤面积, 氟美斯滤袋 进一步缩短元件的装置工夫.别的较为关注的是高磨损性的粉尘易招致过滤元件过早的损坏(此问题在静电除尘技能中鲜为发现). 插接式除尘骨架 在制订电改袋方案时,应充沛思索这一问题,可以提出可行的响应处理办法.过滤元件在搜集粉尘时,需求按期地进行滤件外表清灰以坚持除尘器所希冀的运转阻力程度,清灰进程中当紧缩空气被直接向下导入过滤元件的内部,可立时将过滤元件外表的尘饼进行拨离.洁净的紧缩空气经脉冲喷吹阀调理,经由喷吹管直接导入过滤元件.关于脉冲式袋除尘器过滤元件的清灰可在线进行.尘饼经由清灰进程,从过滤元件表面面剥落,逐步进入灰斗.紧缩空气的急速脉冲式清灰是用来坚持过滤元件表面面洁净和正常任务的专一路子.脉冲式袋除尘器设计正被全世界作为首要的袋式除尘方法来选择,很多工场将他们的机械振打式, 脉冲袋式除尘器 的清灰方法革新成脉冲式清灰.目前绝大大都袋除尘器出产厂可供应脉冲式清灰技能,作为他们产物线的主要构成局部.厉史上对袋式除尘器普通较存眷的一个问题是其处置温度十分高的粉尘气体的才能,这也是为什么在发电厂,水泥厂等行业中静电除尘器变得如斯琉行的缘由之一.。 查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
Pharmacological Glossary 常用药理定义? Definitions of commonly used pharmacological terms From http://chemscene.com/glossary.shtml Term Description ADME an acronym in pharmacokinetics and pharmacology for absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, and describes the disposition of a pharmaceutical compound within an organism. Agonist A drug that binds to and activates a receptor. Can be full, partial or inverse. A full agonist has high efficacy, producing a full response while occupying a relatively low proportion of receptors. A partial agonist has lower efficacy than a full agonist. It produces sub-maximal activation even when occupying the total receptor population, therefore cannot produce the maximal response, irrespective of the concentration applied. An inverse agonist produces an effect opposite to that of an agonist, yet binds to the same receptor binding-site as an agonist. Allosteric Modulator A drug that binds to a receptor at a site distinct from the active site. Induces a conformational change in the receptor, which alters the affinity of the receptor for the endogenous ligand. Positive allosteric modulators increase the affinity, whilst negative allosteric modulators decrease the affinity. Antagonist A drug that attenuates the effect of an agonist. Can be competitive or non-competitive, each of which can be reversible or irreversible. A competitive antagonist binds to the same site as the agonist but does not activate it, thus blocks the agonist’s action. A non-competitive antagonist binds to an allosteric (non-agonist) site on the receptor to prevent activation of the receptor. A reversible antagonist binds non-covalently to the receptor, therefore can be “washed out”. An irreversible antagonist binds covalently to the receptor and cannot be displaced by either competing ligands or washing. Bmax The maximum amount of drug or radioligand, usually expressed as picomoles (pM) per mg protein, which can bind specifically to the receptors in a membrane preparation. Can be used to measure the density of the receptor site in a particular preparation. Cheng-Prusoff Equation Used to determine the Ki value from an IC50 value measured in a competition radioligand binding assay: . Where [L] is the concentration of free radioligand, and Kd is the dissociation constant of the radioligand for the receptor. Desensitization A reduction in response to an agonist while it is continuously present at the receptor, or progressive decrease in response upon repeated exposure to an agonist. EC50 The molar concentration of an agonist that produces 50% of the maximum possible response for that agonist. ED50 In vitro or in vivo dose of drug that produces 50% of its maximum response or effect. Efficacy Describes the way that agonists vary in the response they produce when they occupy the same number of receptors. High efficacy agonists produce their maximal response while occupying a relatively low proportion of the total receptor population. Lower efficacy agonists do not activate receptors to the same degree and may not be able to produce the maximal response Ex vivo Taking place outside a living organism. Half-life Half-life (t½) is an important pharmacokinetic measurement. The metabolic half-life of a drug in vivo is the time taken for its concentration in plasma to decline to half its original level. Half-life refers to the duration of action of a drug and depends upon how quickly the drug is eliminated from the plasma. The clearance and distribution of a drug from the plasma are therefore important parameters for the determination of its half-life. IC50 In a functional assay, the molar concentration of an agonist or antagonist which produces 50% of its maximum possible inhibition. In a radioligand binding assay, the molar concentration of competing ligand which reduces the specific binding of a radioligand by 50%. ID50 In vitro or in vivo dose of a drug that causes 50% of the maximum possible inhibition for that drug. In vitro Taking place in a test-tube, culture dish or elsewhere outside a living organism. In vivo Taking place in a living organism. KB The equilibrium dissociation constant for a competitive antagonist: the molar concentration that would occupy 50% of the receptors at equilibrium. Kd The dissociation constant for a radiolabeled drug determined by saturation analysis. It is the molar concentration of radioligand which, at equilibrium, occupies 50% of the receptors. Ki The inhibition constant for a ligand, which denotes the affinity of the ligand for a receptor. Measured using a radioligand competition binding assay, it is the molar concentration of the competing ligand that would occupy 50% of the receptors if no radioligand was present. It is calculated from the IC50 value using the Cheng-Prusoff equation. Non-Specific Binding The proportion of radioligand that is not displaced by other competitive ligands specific for the receptor. It can be binding to other receptors or proteins, partitioning into lipids or other things. pA2 Measure of the potency of an antagonist. It is the negative logarithm of the molar concentration of an antagonist that would produce a 2-fold shift in the concentration response curve for an agonist. pD2 The negative logarithm of the EC50 or IC50 value. pEC50 The negative logarithm of the EC50 value. pIC50 The negative logarithm of the IC50 value pKB The negative logarithm of the KB value. pKd The negative logarithm of the Kd value. pKi The negative logarithm of the Ki value. p.o. Oral (by mouth) route of drug administration (see Useful Abbreviations). Positive Allosteric Modulator See Allosteric Modulator Potency A measure of the concentrations of a drug at which it is effective. Specific Binding The proportion of radioligand that can be displaced by competitive ligands specific for the receptor. Silent Antagonist A drug that attenuates the effects of agonists or inverse agonists, producing a functional reduction in signal transduction. Effects only ligand-dependent receptor activation and displays no intrinsic activity itself. Also known as a neutral antagonist. t½ Biological half-life; (see Half-life). 常用药理定义查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
如何提高制氢量? 制氢朋友请讲讲在满足氢纯度前提下,如何提高制氢量?查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
生产一吨尿素需消耗多少合成氨和二氧化碳? 尿素 是气提法 查看更多 5个回答 . 3人已关注
关于螺杆压缩机的使用说明? 螺杆压缩机 启动时出入口是否要抽真空 ? 哪位盖德能否给一份螺杆压缩机的操作说明? 谢谢查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
如果同时存在正压和负压的工况,储罐设计压力该如何选取 ...? = 如果同时存在正压和负压的工况,储罐设计压力该如何选取? = 查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
PDMS三维配管12SP4中MDS不能点击管子? 我配置了 PDMS 三维配管 12SP4中MDS。我也修改了:MDSPIPEMAT;有些管子可以添加支吊架,但是有些管子安装屏幕提示点击管子,点击管子之后无任何反映。请问如何解决。查看更多 4个回答 . 2人已关注
塔器企业汇总? 有知道塔器企业的朋友,请在这里说一下吧,或者是生产塔器的厂家朋友也报道一下吧,咱们综合的汇总一下! (建议:如果有什么信用\品质问题的厂家,盖德最好不要写上来.写到论坛上来的,基本上是免费在为他们做广告.要慎重. 谢谢理解与支持!) 查看更多 17个回答 . 5人已关注
如何用PROII输入原油各实沸点数据? 如何用PROII输入原油各实沸点数据啊?请各位大侠不吝赐教!查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
<通过阀、管件和管线的流体流动>? <通过阀、管件和管线的流体流动>有人听过这本书吗?听说是国际通用的,本人才疏学浅,还望前辈们多多指教,希望有哪位大侠可以上传此书,不胜感激,我会给你多多的加分的 [ ]查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
多晶硅B、P含量检测方法及区熔炉厂家? 最近发现, 多晶硅 检测时,有需要将多晶棒区熔成单晶来测电阻率和少子寿命等,现在大家测B、P含量都是用基硼基磷的国家标准的方法来做的么?还是有别的方法?区熔炉用的是哪家设备?都有哪些厂家有区熔炉(西安理工晶体科技和洛阳金诺,以及普发拓谱公司除外),大家帮忙说说这个问题啊查看更多 5个回答 . 4人已关注
山东联盟化工的5万吨/年煤制乙二醇装置投产了吗? 山东联盟化工的5万吨/年煤制 乙二醇 装置投产了吗?运行效果如何?查看更多 4个回答 . 3人已关注
氢气纯度及杂质请教? 各位盖德, 请教一下,氯碱 离子膜烧碱 法产出的 氢气 纯度为多少啊?主要含什么 杂质 ,含量又怎样啊? p.s. 杂质是否含有氧、氯、溴、碱、水等,含量为多少啊?还有其他的吗? 谢谢! , , - 查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
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哪位记得5000立方米储罐应设置紧急切断阀的规范? 如题,哪位记得要求5000立方米及以上的储罐应设置 紧急切断阀 的规范?谢谢。在线等。 查看更多 11个回答 . 5人已关注
PSA空分吸附剂? 以后我也做吸附,哈哈!查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
2016年八月份我国多晶硅进口量依旧维持在万吨以上? 据统计,2016年八月份,我国 多晶硅 进口量依旧维持在万吨以上,达到11648吨,环比增加3.59%,同比大幅增加36.06%。这主要是因为中国对韩国和德国多晶硅反倾销措施的惩罚力度不够,对韩国多晶硅主要出口企业只是象征性的征收2.4%-2.8%惩罚性关税,和德国达成的价格承诺也根本达不到反倾销的目的。另外转口台湾和马来西亚的的情况也不容忽视,台湾和马来西亚的多晶硅总产能有多少,但是进口量接近两千吨,这些多晶硅从何而来有关部门应该给予重视。 查看更多 5个回答 . 1人已关注
碱液气温低了上冻吗? 液化气 脱硫系统的碱液线需要加班热吗?静止碱罐里需要伴热吗 ?温度控在多少度合适啊 查看更多 11个回答 . 3人已关注
原油蒸馏塔的操作问题? 最近在给某厂做常 减压装置 的流程模拟,但是拿到的标定数据中看到,塔的操作压力很奇怪,即中间高,两头低,问他们工艺人员,他们说有时就这样的,这是什么缘故呀?查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
职业:无锡贝塔医药科技有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:烟台大学 - 机电一体化
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